I\'ve written a custom plugin for CKEditor--successful on all fronts, save one currently: I can\'t, for the life of me, figure out how to customize the image on the button
Some info for others try to write plugins for CKEditor 3.0.
I've started by copying the source from plugins/flash and have now got a button with a youtube logo.... this is an extract from plugins/youtube/plugin.js
editor.ui.addButton( 'YouTube',
label : editor.lang.common.youtube,
command : 'youtube',
icon: this.path + 'images/youtube.gif'
Also you'll need to edit you language file.... e.g. lang/en.js
Add your plugin name to the "common" section (this appears as a tooltip when you hover over the button) and add a whole block for your plugin, with all your strings, like this....
// YouTube Dialog
youtube :
properties : 'YouTube Properties',
propertiesTab : 'Properties',
title : 'YouTube Properties',
chkPlay : 'Auto Play',
chkLoop : 'Loop',
chkMenu : 'Enable YouTube Menu',
chkFull : 'Allow Fullscreen',
scale : 'Scale',
scaleAll : 'Show all',
scaleNoBorder : 'No Border',
scaleFit : 'Exact Fit',
access : 'Script Access',
accessAlways : 'Always',
accessSameDomain : 'Same domain',
accessNever : 'Never',
align : 'Align',
alignLeft : 'Left',
alignAbsBottom: 'Abs Bottom',
alignAbsMiddle: 'Abs Middle',
alignBaseline : 'Baseline',
alignBottom : 'Bottom',
alignMiddle : 'Middle',
alignRight : 'Right',
alignTextTop : 'Text Top',
alignTop : 'Top',
quality : 'Quality',
qualityBest : 'Best',
qualityHigh : 'High',
qualityAutoHigh : 'Auto High',
qualityMedium : 'Medium',
qualityAutoLow : 'Auto Low',
qualityLow : 'Low',
windowModeWindow : 'Window',
windowModeOpaque : 'Opaque',
windowModeTransparent : 'Transparent',
windowMode : 'Window mode',
flashvars : 'Variables for YouTube',
bgcolor : 'Background color',
width : 'Width',
height : 'Height',
hSpace : 'HSpace',
vSpace : 'VSpace',
validateSrc : 'URL must not be empty.',
validateWidth : 'Width must be a number.',
validateHeight : 'Height must be a number.',
validateHSpace : 'HSpace must be a number.',
validateVSpace : 'VSpace must be a number.'
these are some plugins for CKEditor 3.x
CKEditor Plugins
Highslide JS Plugin, LrcShow Plugin, FileIcon Plugin, InsertHtml Plugin, SyntaxHighlighter Plugin
Download: CKEditor 3.x Plugins
I have written a complete tutorial covering every aspect of CKeditor plugin development, including buttons, context menus, dialogs and more.
Regarding font awesome, I was able to achieve this using CSS:
span.cke_button_icon.cke_button__bold_icon {
position: relative !important;
background-image: none !important;
&:after {
font-family: FontAwesome;
position: absolute;
font-size: 16px;
content: "\f032";
The answer is to set the icon property of the button settings like so:
editor.ui.addButton('your-plugin', {
label: 'Your Plugin Label',
command: 'YourPlugin',
icon: this.path + 'images/your-plugin.jpg'
Your plugin directory should have an "images" subdirectory where your button should go. In the above snippet, replace "your-plugin.jpg' with the JPG, GIF or PNG image for your button.
This answer, of course, assumes that you know how to create a button image using some image editor like Gimp, Photoshop, etc.
There is a pretty exhaustive tutorial on CKEditor Documentation Website, see: CKEditor Plugin SDK - Introduction
At this moment it covers:
If you are interested in creating your own widgets, check also Widgets SDK Tutorial