With a just a cursory understanding of these libraries, they look to be very similar. I know that VexCL and Boost.Compute use OpenCl as a backend (although the v1.0 release
I am the developer of VexCL, but I really like what Kyle Lutz, the author of Boost.Compute, had to say on the same subject on Boost mailing list. In short, from the user standpoint Thrust, Boost.Compute, AMD's Bolt and probably Microsoft's C++ AMP all implement an STL-like API, while VexCL is an expression template based library that is closer to Eigen in nature. I believe the main difference between the STL-like libraries is their portability:
Again, all of those libraries are trying to implement an STL-like interface, so they have very broad applicability. VexCL was developed with scientific computing in mind. If Boost.Compute was developed a bit earlier, I could probably base VexCL on top of it :). Another library for scientific computing worth looking at is ViennaCL, a free open-source linear algebra library for computations on many-core architectures (GPUs, MIC) and multi-core CPUs. Have a look at [1] for the comparison of VexCL, ViennaCL, CMTL4 and Thrust for that field.
Regarding the quoted inability of Thrust developers to add an OpenCL backend: Thrust, VexCL and Boost.Compute (I am not familiar with the internals of other libraries) all use metaprogramming techniques to do what they do. But since CUDA supports C++ templates, the job of Thrust developers is probably a bit easier: they have to write metaprograms that generate CUDA programs with help of C++ compiler. VexCL and Boost.Compute authors write metaprograms that generate programs that generate OpenCL source code. Have a look at the slides where I tried to explain how VexCL is implemented. So I agree that current Thrust's design prohibits them adding an OpenCL backend.
[1] Denis Demidov, Karsten Ahnert, Karl Rupp, Peter Gottschling, Programming CUDA and OpenCL: A Case Study Using Modern C++ Libraries, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 35(5), C453–C472. (an arXiv version is also available).
Update: @gnzlbg commented that there is no support for C++ functors and lambdas in OpenCL-based libraries. And indeed, OpenCL is based on C99 and is compiled from sources stored in strings at runtime, so there is no easy way to fully interact with C++ classes. But to be fair, OpenCL-based libraries do support user-based functions and even lambdas to some extent.
Having said that, CUDA-based libraries (and may be C++ AMP) have an obvious advantage of actual compile-time compiler (can you even say that?), so the integration with user code can be much tighter.