Non-numerical use cases for functional programming?

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佛祖请我去吃肉 2020-12-22 21:33

I just finished reading a book on scala. What strikes me is that every single example in the whole book was numerical in some form or another.

Like a lot of programm

  • 2020-12-22 22:05

    Pattern matching is also a place where functional programming shines, making it really useful in areas such as Bioinformatics.

    However, given great compilers we have today, functional programming shines nearly everywhere.

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  • 2020-12-22 22:06

    These days, I wouldn't even consider writing a DSL lexer/parser in a non-functional language (in broad sense of the term). ADTs and pattern matching make it so much easier.

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  • 2020-12-22 22:07

    The more I use a functional style, the better I like it. Consider this Python fragment from another question:

    >>> testlist
    [1, 2, 3, 5, 3, 1, 2, 1, 6]
    >>> [i for i,x in enumerate(testlist) if x == 1]
    [0, 5, 7]

    This is admittedly a more or less mathematical statement, but there are lots of generators in Python. Once you get used to it, using a list comprehension in place of a loop is both easy to understand, and less likely to have a bug (you don't get "off by one" bugs.)

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  • 2020-12-22 22:07

    Bridging the algorithm gap: A linear-time functional program for paragraph formatting (1997)
    by Oege De Moor, Jeremy Gibbons

    Structuring Graphical Paradigms in TkGofer (1997) by Koen Claessen, Ton Vullinghs, Erik Meijer

    Modelling office processes with functional parsers (1994) by Gert Florijn

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  • 2020-12-22 22:10

    Got another one for you:

    I'm involved in the very early stages of prototyping a suite of new enterprise-scale financial products intended for small-to-medium sized banks, local government, stock exchanges, etc. You're probably thinking "oh, financial code, you must be doing a lot of math" -- actually, no. These products are intended to be highly customizable and allow users to inject business rules at strategic points in the application.

    We're using F# to represent and interpret business rules. To use a naive example, lets we're writing some code for check processing, we might write the rules like this:

    type condition =
        | Test of string
        | And of condition * condition
        | Or of condition * condition
        | Not of condition
    type transactionWorkflow =
        | Reject
        | Approve
        | AdministratorOverride of string
        | If of condition * transactionWorkflow list
             (* condition,  true condition *)
        | IfElse of condition * transactionWorkflow list * transactionWorkflow list
             (* condition,      true condition,            false condition *)
        | AttachForms of string list

    Using a special application, users can write some business rules represented by the structure above. For example:

    let checkProcessingWorkflow =
        [If(Test("account doesn't exist")
            ,[AdministratorOverride("Account doesn't exist. Continue?");
              AttachForms ["40808A - Null Account Deposit"]]
         If(Test("deposit > 10000")
                If(And(Test("account created within 3 months")
                       ,Test("out of country check"))
                IfElse(Test("account state = TX")
                        ,[AttachForms ["16A"; "16B"]]
                        ,[AttachForms ["1018"]]

    So, rather than writing one business-rules engine to rule them all, we handle certain processes as a very tiny domain-specific language intepreted by F#. I'm hoping this approach will allow us to design very simple business-readable DSLs without needed to detect conflicting rules.

    Of course, everything above is just concept-code, and we're still in the very earlier stages of even prototyping one of our rules system. We're using F# rather than Java or C# for one particular reason: pattern matching.

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  • 2020-12-22 22:11

    Functional programming is a paradigm like procedural/structured, object-oriented, and generic/templated programming are. It's turing-complete so you can do anything you want.

    Aside from math and science, it's makes it easier for parser combinators, artifical intelligence, concurrency, dynamic evaluation, co-routines, continuations, terse notation (faster brain-to-keyboard-to-text-file cycle and less code to maintain), strongly-typed parametization (see Haskell's algebraic types) and dynamic self-reflection (e.g., minimalistic metacircular interpreters with a REPL).

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