Non-numerical use cases for functional programming?

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佛祖请我去吃肉 2020-12-22 21:33

I just finished reading a book on scala. What strikes me is that every single example in the whole book was numerical in some form or another.

Like a lot of programm

  • 2020-12-22 21:46

    LINQ takes a lot of cues from functional programming. Taking a look at how an arbitrary LINQ provider is implemented might provide you with some practical insight.

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  • 2020-12-22 21:48

    You might be interested in hearing this episode of Software Engineering Radio with the creator of Erlang, who developed it while working for Ericsson.

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  • 2020-12-22 21:50

    The best specific example I can give is StringTemplate, a templating engine used (among many other places) in the ANTLR parser generator.

    In one paper on the design and development of StringTemplate, Terence Parr wrote that he was originally skeptical of functional programming, and so laughed out loud at himself when he realized that StringTemplate was essentially a functional language for generating text.

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  • 2020-12-22 21:52

    Check "Purely functional data structures" (and here's the PhD thesis that inspired the book).

    They show how you can create standard data structures in purely functional (no side-effects) languages. You can then use them to program anything.

    Disclaimer: I'm pulling an Atwood here, I've barely read a couple of reviews of the book and skimmed over the thesis, it's on my toread list.

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  • 2020-12-22 21:53

    My company asked me to write a custom application that allowed users to perform ad hoc queries against a flat-file database. The users of this app were your typical Joe Businessman types. They are not programmers, and its unlikely they have ever seen an SQL statement in their lives.

    As a result, I was tasked to develop a friendly userinterface that would allow users to select columns, tables, conditions, etc to build up a query. This is challenging because I can represent the SQL statement in the UI without first creating an abstract representation of it in memory.

    The first iteration was written in C#. I created a boatload classes to represent the abstract syntax of an SQL statement, which resulted in a really cumbersome object model:

    • a Join class, a Joins collection class
    • a WhereClause class, a WhereClauses collection class
    • a SelectedColumn class, SelectedColumns collection class
    • an OrderBy class, OrderBy collection collections class
    • an SqlStatement class that grouped all of the aforemtioned classes together

    Converting an SqlStatement instance to a string was gloriously painful, ugly, and buggy. Moving the oppositive direction, from string to SqlStatement, was even worse, as it broke apart the pieces of an SQL string using lots of regex and string manipulation.

    I hacked together the system, produced an application that worked, but I wasn't very happy with it. I especially wasn't happen when the business requirements of the app changed on me, which forced me to revisit my C# code.

    Just as an experiment, I rewrote my SqlStatement in F# and represented it as a union:

    type dir = Asc | Desc
    type op = Eq | Gt | Gte | Lt | Lte
    type join = Inner | Left | Right
    type sqlStatement =
        | SelectedColumns of string list
        | Joins of (string * join) list
        | Wheres of (string * op * string) list
        | OrderBys of (string * dir) list
    type query = SelectedColumns * Joins * Wheres * OrderBys

    That small amount of code replaced a few hundred lines of C# and a dozen or so classes. More importantly, pattern matching simplified the process required to convert abstract representation into an SQL string.

    The fun part was converting an SQL string back into a query object using fslex/fsyacc.

    If I remember correctly, the original C# code totalled 600 lines and around a dozen classes, lots of messy regex, and requied two days to write and test. By comparison, the F# code consisted of one .fs file of around 40 lines, 100 lines or so to implement the lexer/parser, and consumed a few hours out of my day to test.

    Seriously, writing this part of the app in F# felt like cheating, that's how trivially easy it was.

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  • 2020-12-22 21:53

    for those who consider LISP a functional programming language, there's a http server written in common lisp out there, introduced in a 1994 paper and still being developed in 2006:


    for more modern stuff, you might want to ask google "haskell web server", you will probably find a few interesting examples. one lead me find this site:

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