The problem, is that I have a content div which stretches its container height-wise (container and content div have auto height).
I want the background container,
Make #container
to display:inline-block
#container {
height: auto;
width: 100%;
display: inline-block;
#content {
height: auto;
width: 500px;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
#backgroundContainer {
height: 200px; /*200px is example, change to what you want*/
width: 100%;
Also see: W3Schools
Somewhere you will need to set a fixed height, instead of using auto everywhere. You will find that if you set a fixed height on your content and/or container, then using auto for things inside it will work.
Also, your boxes will still expand height-wise with more content in, even though you have set a height for it - so don't worry about that :)
#container {
Okay so someone is probably going to slap me for this answer, but I use jQuery to solve all my irritating problems and it turns out that I just used something today to fix a similar issue. Assuming you use jquery:
this is untested but I think you can see the concept here. Basically after it is loaded, you can get the height (outerHeight includes padding + borders, innerHeight for the content only). Hope that helps.
Here is how you bind it to the window resize event:
$(window).resize(function() {