In Visual Studio 2008, you can add the following line to parallelize any "for" loop. It even works with multiple nested for loops. Here is an example:
#pragma omp parallel for private(i,j)
for (i=0; i<num_particles; i++)
p[i].fitness = fitnessFunction(p[i].present);
if (p[i].fitness > p[i].pbestFitness)
p[i].pbestFitness = p[i].fitness;
for (j=0; j<p[i].numVars; j++) p[i].pbest[j] = p[i].present[j];
gbest = pso_get_best(num_particles, p);
After we added the #pragma omp parallel, both cores on my Core 2 Duo were used to their maximum capacity, so total CPU usage went from 50% to 100%.