How do I remove a folder from source control with TortoiseSVN?

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[愿得一人] 2020-12-22 18:30

How do I remove a folder from being source controlled with TortoiseSVN?

  • 2020-12-22 18:49

    Delete the .svn folder within the folder you want to remove from version control.

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  • 2020-12-22 18:51

    There is a dedicated item in the extended context menu:

    • Hold the Shift key down and right click on the folder.
    • Under the TortoiseSVN menu click on "Delete (keep local)"

    enter image description here

    Image cropped from TortoiseSVN's extended context menu page.
    Delete (keep local) documentation blurb.

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  • 2020-12-22 18:53

    The easiest way is described here:

    That article is a bit wordy and some of the methods didn't work for me (like dragging the folder onto itself - Windows 7 wouldn't allow it)).

    Here's what, in the article worked for me:

    Simple: when you right-click on a working copy and choose "Export..." from the context menu, a folder browse dialog is shown where you can choose the folder where you want the working copy exported to. If you now select the very same path that your working copy is on as the target (i.e., you're exporting the working copy onto itself), TortoiseSVN will remove all .svn folders of that working copy.

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  • 2020-12-22 18:55

    Once in awhile I run into working copy folders from Subversion that I know longer want under version control. I want to “unversion” them. Usually I do some kind of find and delete on all the .svn related folders but there is an easier way if you have TortoiseSVN installed.

    You should be familiar with the “Export” command. This will make a copy of the files in a new location without all those pesky .svn folders. If you want to ‘unversion’ something but don’t want a copy – simply do an “export” and when Tortoise asks for the “folder to export to” simply select the same folder your working copy is in! Tortoise will proceed to remove all the .svn folders.


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  • 2020-12-22 18:57

    Right-click on a working copy and choose "Export..." from the context menu. A folder browse dialog is shown.

    You must choose the same path that your working copy is on as the target. TortoiseSVN will ask you if you want to remove all .svn folders of that working copy. Just says yes!

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  • 2020-12-22 18:59

    The TortoiseSVN menu has an Export option which will give you a copy of the folder detached from the repository. Alternatively, you can right-click + drag a folder and pick either "SVN Export to here" or "SVN Export all to here".

    "Export all" is equivalent to selecting "Export unversioned files too" in the Export dialog, which will effectively clone the working copy without the .svn folders.

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