I have many scripts which I interact with from the command line. Everytime I need to use them, I have to open a command line window and copy+paste and CD to the path to the
Most simple way in explorer is to Shift + right mouse click on the folder or on an empty space in the folder and click on Open command prompt here
CMD will then start in that folder
I must say, I'm not sure if it works for Windows Vista and below, but it surely works for Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10.
Another solution is to use a shortcut file to cmd.exe instead of a batch file.
Edit the shortcut's start in property to %~dp0.
You achieve the same thing, except it has the Cmd icon (and you can change this).
Some people don't like clicking on batch files without knowing what's in them, and some corporate network drives have a ban on .bat files...
Create a new file startCmdLine.bat in your directory and put this line in it
call cmd
That is it. Now double click on the .bat file. It works for me.
You can replace call with start, it will also work.
this code works for me
name it cmd.bat
@echo off
title This is Only A Test
set /p the="%cd%"
goto loop
You can just enter cmd
into the address bar in Explorer and it starts up in that path. Likewise for PowerShell.
you probably want to do this:
cd /d %~dp0
this will set your current directory to the directory you have the batch file in