I followed this link from my blog and wanted to mention something else I found with EF. Kind of off topic, but not totally.
I have noticed some crazy performance issues with EF when using the .Include. MS explains why in an article on their website so I have actually started shifting most of my code to use the .Load method instead.
Because it is a tedious task to do and because I couldn't find another way to do it... I created my own method called "IncludeByRoundTrip". What it does is takes an object path and ensures the entire path is loaded. The end result is the same as when using include however behind the scenes, I am simply calling Load on all the properties in the object graph.
It would be similar to doing something like order.Load("Customer.Address") if such a mechanism existed. Either way, check it out at my blog and let me know your findings. I would be curious to see if others have noticed slowdowns using Include and if you have other approaches at attacking the situation.
There is more info on my solution at: http://blog.nicktown.info/2009/07/27/method-to-load-an-entire-object-graph-using-adonet-entity-framework.aspx.
Again, sorry this was a bit off-topic, but I look forward to your responses.