I am trying to draw a family tree with Dot and GraphViz.
This is what I currently have:
# just graph set-up
digraph simpsons {
ratio = \"auto\"
Gramps (www.gramps-project.org) generates dot files for family trees, with or without marriage nodes. There is also a way to see this in the Gramps interface itself. http://gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=Graph_View So I would say, look at the output of your family tree as created by Gramps
I don’t think you can take an arbitrary family tree and auto-generate a dot file where it always looks good in GraphViz.
But I think you can always make it look good if you:
This will end up showing no more than 3 generations at once, with S in the middle generation.
In the picture below S=Homer (slightly modified from Brian Blank's version):
digraph G {
edge [dir=none];
node [shape=box];
graph [splines=ortho];
"Herb" [shape=box, regular=0, color="blue", style="filled" fillcolor="lightblue"] ;
"Homer" [shape=box, regular=0, color="blue", style="bold, filled" fillcolor="lightblue"] ;
"Marge" [shape=oval, regular=0, color="red", style="filled" fillcolor="pink"] ;
"Clancy" [shape=box, regular=0, color="blue", style="filled" fillcolor="lightblue"] ;
"Jackeline" [shape=oval, regular=0, color="red", style="filled" fillcolor="pink"] ;
"Abraham" [shape=box, regular=0, color="blue", style="filled" fillcolor="lightblue"] ;
"Mona" [shape=oval, regular=0, color="red", style="filled" fillcolor="pink"] ;
"Patty" [shape=oval, regular=0, color="red", style="filled" fillcolor="pink"] ;
"Selma" [shape=oval, regular=0, color="red", style="filled" fillcolor="pink"] ;
"Bart" [shape=box, regular=0, color="blue", style="filled" fillcolor="lightblue"] ;
"Lisa" [shape=oval, regular=0, color="red", style="filled" fillcolor="pink"] ;
"Maggie" [shape=oval, regular=0, color="red", style="filled" fillcolor="pink"] ;
a1 [shape=diamond,label="",height=0.25,width=0.25];
b1 [shape=circle,label="",height=0.01,width=0.01];
b2 [shape=circle,label="",height=0.01,width=0.01];
b3 [shape=circle,label="",height=0.01,width=0.01];
{rank=same; Abraham -> a1 -> Mona};
{rank=same; b1 -> b2 -> b3};
{rank=same; Herb; Homer};
a1 -> b2
b1 -> Herb
b3 -> Homer
p1 [shape=diamond,label="",height=0.25,width=0.25];
q1 [shape=circle,label="",height=0.01,width=0.01];
q2 [shape=circle,label="",height=0.01,width=0.01];
q3 [shape=circle,label="",height=0.01,width=0.01];
{rank=same; Homer -> p1 -> Marge};
{rank=same; q1 -> q2 -> q3};
{rank=same; Bart; Lisa; Maggie};
p1 -> q2;
q1 -> Bart;
q2 -> Lisa;
q3 -> Maggie;
x1 [shape=diamond,label="",height=0.25,width=0.25];
y1 [shape=circle,label="",height=0.01,width=0.01];
y2 [shape=circle,label="",height=0.01,width=0.01];
y3 [shape=circle,label="",height=0.01,width=0.01];
{rank=same; Clancy -> x1 -> Jackeline};
{rank=same; y1 -> y2 -> y3};
{rank=same; Patty; Selma; Marge};
x1 -> y2;
y1 -> Marge;
y2 -> Patty;
y3 -> Selma;
This yields the following tree by GraphViz (with annotations I added with Power Point):
Although you can't control node placement, I found you can help node placement by ordering the nodes in a different order. I re-ordered some of the nodes as shown below and got a graph that produced no cross-overs.
The following code:
digraph G {
edge [dir=none];
node [shape=box];
"Herb" [shape=box, regular=1, color="blue"] ;
"Homer" [shape=box, regular=1, color="blue"] ;
"Marge" [shape=box, regular=1, color="pink"] ;
"Clancy" [shape=box, regular=1, color="blue"] ;
"Jackeline" [shape=box, regular=1, color="pink"] ;
"Abraham" [shape=box, regular=1, color="blue"] ;
"Mona" [shape=box, regular=1, color="pink"] ;
"Patty" [shape=box, regular=1, color="pink"] ;
"Selma" [shape=box, regular=1, color="pink"] ;
"Bart" [shape=box, regular=1, color="blue"] ;
"Lisa" [shape=box, regular=1, color="pink"] ;
"Maggie" [shape=box, regular=1, color="pink"] ;
"Ling" [shape=box, regular=1, color="blue"] ;
a1 [shape=circle,label="",height=0.01,width=0.01];
b1 [shape=circle,label="",height=0.01,width=0.01];
b2 [shape=circle,label="",height=0.01,width=0.01];
b3 [shape=circle,label="",height=0.01,width=0.01];
{rank=same; Abraham -> a1 -> Mona};
{rank=same; b1 -> b2 -> b3};
{rank=same; Herb; Homer};
a1 -> b2
b1 -> Herb
b3 -> Homer
p1 [shape=circle,label="",height=0.01,width=0.01];
q1 [shape=circle,label="",height=0.01,width=0.01];
q2 [shape=circle,label="",height=0.01,width=0.01];
q3 [shape=circle,label="",height=0.01,width=0.01];
{rank=same; Homer -> p1 -> Marge};
{rank=same; q1 -> q2 -> q3};
{rank=same; Bart; Lisa; Maggie};
p1 -> q2;
q1 -> Bart;
q2 -> Lisa;
q3 -> Maggie;
x1 [shape=circle,label="",height=0.01,width=0.01];
y1 [shape=circle,label="",height=0.01,width=0.01];
y2 [shape=circle,label="",height=0.01,width=0.01];
y3 [shape=circle,label="",height=0.01,width=0.01];
{rank=same; Clancy -> x1 -> Jackeline};
{rank=same; y1 -> y2 -> y3};
{rank=same; Marge; Patty; Selma};
{rank=same; Bart; Ling}
x1 -> y2;
y1 -> Marge;
y2 -> Patty;
y3 -> Selma;
Selma -> Ling;
now produces this:
I don't fully understand why it's working, but here is the thought process into the changes that I made.
It worked, but I still can't devise an algorithm that would ensure consistent trees with no overlapping edges. I feel that graphviz should do a better job without these hints. I don't know the algorithm used, but if they consider an objective function to minimize or eliminate overlapping edges, it should be possible to devise a better algorithm.
I'm almost there, inspired by an old response on the graphviz-interest mailinglist and doug's answer.
The following code:
digraph G {
edge [dir=none];
node [shape=box];
"Abraham" [shape=box, regular=1, color="blue"] ;
"Mona" [shape=box, regular=1, color="pink"] ;
"Clancy" [shape=box, regular=1, color="blue"] ;
"Jackeline" [shape=box, regular=1, color="pink"] ;
"Herb" [shape=box, regular=1, color="blue"] ;
"Homer" [shape=box, regular=1, color="blue"] ;
"Marge" [shape=box, regular=1, color="pink"] ;
"Patty" [shape=box, regular=1, color="pink"] ;
"Selma" [shape=box, regular=1, color="pink"] ;
"Bart" [shape=box, regular=1, color="blue"] ;
"Lisa" [shape=box, regular=1, color="pink"] ;
"Maggie" [shape=box, regular=1, color="pink"] ;
"Ling" [shape=box, regular=1, color="blue"] ;
a1 [shape=circle,label="",height=0.01,width=0.01];
b1 [shape=circle,label="",height=0.01,width=0.01];
b2 [shape=circle,label="",height=0.01,width=0.01];
b3 [shape=circle,label="",height=0.01,width=0.01];
{rank=same; Abraham -> a1 -> Mona};
{rank=same; b1 -> b2 -> b3};
{rank=same; Herb; Homer};
a1 -> b2
b1 -> Herb
b3 -> Homer
p1 [shape=circle,label="",height=0.01,width=0.01];
q1 [shape=circle,label="",height=0.01,width=0.01];
q2 [shape=circle,label="",height=0.01,width=0.01];
q3 [shape=circle,label="",height=0.01,width=0.01];
{rank=same; Homer -> p1 -> Marge};
{rank=same; q1 -> q2 -> q3};
{rank=same; Bart; Lisa; Maggie};
p1 -> q2;
q1 -> Bart;
q2 -> Lisa;
q3 -> Maggie;
x1 [shape=circle,label="",height=0.01,width=0.01];
y1 [shape=circle,label="",height=0.01,width=0.01];
y2 [shape=circle,label="",height=0.01,width=0.01];
y3 [shape=circle,label="",height=0.01,width=0.01];
{rank=same; Clancy -> x1 -> Jackeline};
{rank=same; y1 -> y2 -> y3};
{rank=same; Marge; Patty; Selma};
{rank=same; Bart; Ling}
x1 -> y2;
y1 -> Marge;
y2 -> Patty;
y3 -> Selma;
Selma -> Ling;
now produces this:
So, looks good except for that strange edge around Homer.If I could find a way to move Abraham, Mona and Herb to the left hand side of the picture then I would have a perfectly aligned picture.
Any ideas on how to achieve that?
Here is an other solution :
digraph simpsons {
subgraph Generation0 {
rank = same
Abraham [shape = box, color = blue]
Mona [shape = box, color = pink]
AbrahamAndMona [shape = point]
Abraham -> AbrahamAndMona [dir = none]
AbrahamAndMona -> Mona [dir = none]
Clancy [shape = box, color = blue]
Jackeline [shape = box, color = pink]
ClancyAndJackeline [shape = point]
Clancy -> ClancyAndJackeline [dir = none]
ClancyAndJackeline -> Jackeline [dir = none]
subgraph Generation0Sons {
rank = same
AbrahamAndMonaSons [shape = point]
HerbSon [shape = point]
HomerSon [shape = point]
HerbSon -> AbrahamAndMonaSons [dir = none]
HomerSon -> AbrahamAndMonaSons [dir = none]
MargeSon [shape = point]
PattySon [shape = point]
SelmaSon [shape = point]
MargeSon -> PattySon [dir = none]
PattySon -> SelmaSon [dir = none]
AbrahamAndMona -> AbrahamAndMonaSons [dir = none]
ClancyAndJackeline -> PattySon [dir = none]
subgraph Generation1 {
rank = same
Herb [shape = box, color = blue]
Homer [shape = box, color = blue]
Marge [shape = box, color = pink]
Patty [shape = box, color = pink]
Selma [shape = box, color = pink]
HomerAndMarge [shape = point]
Homer -> HomerAndMarge [dir = none]
Marge -> HomerAndMarge [dir = none]
HerbSon -> Herb [dir = none]
HomerSon -> Homer [dir = none]
MargeSon -> Marge [dir = none]
PattySon -> Patty [dir = none]
SelmaSon -> Selma [dir = none]
subgraph Generation1Sons {
rank = same
BartSon [shape = point]
LisaSon [shape = point]
MaggieSon [shape = point]
BartSon -> LisaSon [dir = none]
LisaSon -> MaggieSon [dir = none]
HomerAndMarge -> LisaSon [dir = none]
subgraph Generation2 {
rank = same
Bart [shape = box, color = blue]
Lisa [shape = box, color = pink]
Maggie [shape = box, color = pink]
Ling [shape = box, color = blue]
Selma -> Ling [dir = none]
BartSon -> Bart [dir = none]
LisaSon -> Lisa [dir = none]
MaggieSon -> Maggie [dir = none]
And the result :
To do this in graphviz is fairly straightforward; there are a couple of syntax patterns you need: (i) syntax to represent the line-to-line connection (the "T"-junction in your plots above); (ii) syntax to enforce the hierarchical structure (i.e., nodes of same generation on the same plane on the vertical axis). It's easier to show:
digraph G {
edge [arrowsize=0.3];
"g1" -> "g2" -> "g3" -> "g4"
{ rank = same;
"g1"; "King"; "ph1"; "Queen";
{ rank = same;
"g2"; "ph2"; "ph2L"; "ph2R"; "ph2LL"; "ph2RR"
{ rank = same;
"g3"; "ps1"; "ps2"; "pr1"; "pr2"
"King" -> "ph1" [arrowsize=0.0];
"ph1" -> "Queen" [arrowsize=0.0];
"ph1" -> "ph2" [arrowsize=0.0];
"ph2LL" -> "ph2L" [arrowsize=0.0];
"ph2L" -> "ph2" [arrowsize=0.0];
"ph2" -> "ph2R" [arrowsize=0.0];
"ph2R" -> "ph2RR" [arrowsize=0.0];
"ph2LL" -> "ps1" [arrowsize=0.0];
"ph2L"-> "pr1" [arrowsize=0.0];
"ph2R" -> "ps2" [arrowsize=0.0];
"ph2RR" -> "pr2" [arrowsize=0.0];
The code above will produce the graph below (i omitted the code i used to color the nodes). I left vislble the "guide" on the left (g1->g2....) just to show you how i enforced the positions among nodes of equal rank, you'll probably want to make it invisible in your own plots. Finally, the nodes with the labels beginning with 'ph' are the placeholder nodes for the "T-junctions."