What's Up with O(1)?

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既然无缘 2020-12-22 17:40

I have been noticing some very strange usage of O(1) in discussion of algorithms involving hashing and types of search, often in the context of using a dictionary type provi

  • 2020-12-22 17:46

    O(1) means, exactly, that the algorithm's time complexity is bounded by a fixed value. This doesn't mean it's constant, only that it is bounded regardless of input values. Strictly speaking, many allegedly O(1) time algorithms are not actually O(1) and just go so slowly that they are bounded for all practical input values.

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  • 2020-12-22 17:48

    HashTable looks-ups are O(1) with respect to the number of items in the table, because no matter how many items you add to the list the cost of hashing a single item is pretty much the same, and creating the hash will tell you the address of the item.

    To answer why this is relevant: the OP asked about why O(1) seemed to be thrown around so casually when in his mind it obviously could not apply in many circumstances. This answer explains that O(1) time really is possible in those circumstances.

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  • 2020-12-22 17:49

    The problem is that people are really sloppy with terminology. There are 3 important but distinct classes here:

    O(1) worst-case

    This is simple - all operations take no more than a constant amount of time in the worst case, and therefore in all cases. Accessing an element of an array is O(1) worst-case.

    O(1) amortized worst-case

    Amortized means that not every operation is O(1) in the worst case, but for any sequence of N operations, the total cost of the sequence is no O(N) in the worst case. This means that even though we can't bound the cost of any single operation by a constant, there will always be enough "quick" operations to make up for the "slow" operations such that the running time of the sequence of operations is linear in the number of operations.

    For example, the standard Dynamic Array which doubles its capacity when it fills up requires O(1) amortized time to insert an element at the end, even though some insertions require O(N) time - there are always enough O(1) insertions that inserting N items always takes O(N) time total.

    O(1) average-case

    This one is the trickiest. There are two possible definitions of average-case: one for randomized algorithms with fixed inputs, and one for deterministic algorithms with randomized inputs.

    For randomized algorithms with fixed inputs, we can calculate the average-case running time for any given input by analyzing the algorithm and determining the probability distribution of all possible running times and taking the average over that distribution (depending on the algorithm, this may or may not be possible due to the Halting Problem).

    In the other case, we need a probability distribution over the inputs. For example, if we were to measure a sorting algorithm, one such probability distribution would be the distribution that has all N! possible permutations of the input equally likely. Then, the average-case running time is the average running time over all possible inputs, weighted by the probability of each input.

    Since the subject of this question is hash tables, which are deterministic, I'm going to focus on the second definition of average-case. Now, we can't always determine the probability distribution of the inputs because, well, we could be hashing just about anything, and those items could be coming from a user typing them in or from a file system. Therefore, when talking about hash tables, most people just assume that the inputs are well-behaved and the hash function is well behaved such that the hash value of any input is essentially randomly distributed uniformly over the range of possible hash values.

    Take a moment and let that last point sink in - the O(1) average-case performance for hash tables comes from assuming all hash values are uniformly distributed. If this assumption is violated (which it usually isn't, but it certainly can and does happen), the running time is no longer O(1) on average.

    See also Denial of Service by Algorithmic Complexity. In this paper, the authors discuss how they exploited some weaknesses in the default hash functions used by two versions of Perl to generate large numbers of strings with hash collisions. Armed with this list of strings, they generated a denial-of-service attack on some webservers by feeding them these strings that resulted in the worst-case O(N) behavior in the hash tables used by the webservers.

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  • 2020-12-22 17:51

    O(1) means constant time and (typically) fixed space

    Just to clarify these are two separate statements. You can have O(1) in time but O(n) in space or whatever.

    Is it recognized that even O(1) can be undesirably large, even though near-constant?

    O(1) can be impractically HUGE and it's still O(1). It is often neglected that if you know you'll have a very small data set the constant is more important than the complexity, and for reasonably small data sets, it's a balance of the two. An O(n!) algorithm can out-perform a O(1) if the constants and sizes of the data sets are of the appropriate scale.

    O() notation is a measure of the complexity - not the time an algorithm will take, or a pure measure of how "good" a given algorithm is for a given purpose.

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  • 2020-12-22 17:52

    There may be a conceptual error as to how you're understanding Big-Oh notation. What it means is that, given an algorithm and an input data set, the upper bound for the algorithm's run time depends on the value of the O-function when the size of the data set tends to infinity.

    When one says that an algorithm takes O(n) time, it means that the runtime for an algorithm's worst case depends linearly on the size of the input set.

    When an algorithm takes O(1) time, the only thing it means is that, given a function T(f) which calculates the runtime of a function f(n), there exists a natural positive number k such that T(f) < k for any input n. Essentially, it means that the upper bound for the run time of an algorithm is not dependent on its size, and has a fixed, finite limit.

    Now, that does not mean in any way that the limit is small, just that it's independent of the size of the input set. So if I artificially define a bound k for the size of a data set, then its complexity will be O(k) == O(1).

    For example, searching for an instance of a value on a linked list is an O(n) operation. But if I say that a list has at most 8 elements, then O(n) becomes O(8) becomes O(1).

    In this case, it we used a trie data structure as a dictionary (a tree of characters, where the leaf node contains the value for the string used as key), if the key is bounded, then its lookup time can be considered O(1) (If I define a character field as having at most k characters in length, which can be a reasonable assumption for many cases).

    For a hash table, as long as you assume that the hashing function is good (randomly distributed) and sufficiently sparse so as to minimize collisions, and rehashing is performed when the data structure is sufficiently dense, you can indeed consider it an O(1) access-time structure.

    In conclusion, O(1) time may be overrated for a lot of things. For large data structures the complexity of an adequate hash function may not be trivial, and sufficient corner cases exist where the amount of collisions lead it to behave like an O(n) data structure, and rehashing may become prohibitively expensive. In which case, an O(log(n)) structure like an AVL or a B-tree may be a superior alternative.

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  • 2020-12-22 17:55

    Hashtables is a data structure that supports O(1) search and insertion.

    A hashtable usually has a key and value pair, where the key is used to as the parameter to a function (a hash function) which will determine the location of the value in its internal data structure, usually an array.

    As insertion and search only depends upon the result of the hash function and not on the size of the hashtable nor the number of elements stored, a hashtable has O(1) insertion and search.

    There is one caveat, however. That is, as the hashtable becomes more and more full, there will be hash collisions where the hash function will return an element of an array which is already occupied. This will necesitate a collision resolution in order to find another empty element.

    When a hash collision occurs, a search or insertion cannot be performed in O(1) time. However, good collision resolution algorithms can reduce the number of tries to find another suiteable empty spot or increasing the hashtable size can reduce the number of collisions in the first place.

    So, in theory, only a hashtable backed by an array with an infinite number of elements and a perfect hash function would be able to achieve O(1) performance, as that is the only way to avoid hash collisions that drive up the number of required operations. Therefore, for any finite-sized array will at one time or another be less than O(1) due to hash collisions.

    Let's take a look at an example. Let's use a hashtable to store the following (key, value) pairs:

    • (Name, Bob)
    • (Occupation, Student)
    • (Location, Earth)

    We will implement the hashtable back-end with an array of 100 elements.

    The key will be used to determine an element of the array to store the (key, value) pair. In order to determine the element, the hash_function will be used:

    • hash_function("Name") returns 18
    • hash_function("Occupation") returns 32
    • hash_function("Location") returns 74.

    From the above result, we'll assign the (key, value) pairs into the elements of the array.

    array[18] = ("Name", "Bob")
    array[32] = ("Occupation", "Student")
    array[74] = ("Location", "Earth")

    The insertion only requires the use of a hash function, and does not depend on the size of the hashtable nor its elements, so it can be performed in O(1) time.

    Similarly, searching for an element uses the hash function.

    If we want to look up the key "Name", we'll perform a hash_function("Name") to find out which element in the array the desired value resides.

    Also, searching does not depend on the size of the hashtable nor the number of elements stored, therefore an O(1) operation.

    All is well. Let's try to add an additional entry of ("Pet", "Dog"). However, there is a problem, as hash_function("Pet") returns 18, which is the same hash for the "Name" key.

    Therefore, we'll need to resolve this hash collision. Let's suppose that the hash collision resolving function we used found that the new empty element is 29:

    array[29] = ("Pet", "Dog")

    Since there was a hash collision in this insertion, our performance was not quite O(1).

    This problem will also crop up when we try to search for the "Pet" key, as trying to find the element containing the "Pet" key by performing hash_function("Pet") will always return 18 initially.

    Once we look up element 18, we'll find the key "Name" rather than "Pet". When we find this inconsistency, we'll need to resolve the collision in order to retrieve the correct element which contains the actual "Pet" key. Resovling a hash collision is an additional operation which makes the hashtable not perform at O(1) time.

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