Is there a real way to get Netbeans to load and work faster?
It is too slow and gets worse when you have been coding for some time. It eats all my RAM.
I had the same problem with Netbeans being so slow, but it is now much better after deactivating the SVN plug-in. I think that may help.
Good luck
A more or less detailed description, why NetBeans if slow so often can be found in the article:
Boost your NetBeans performance
First. check what NetBeans is actually doing on your disk. On a Mac you can issue this command:
sudo fs_usage | grep /path/to/workspace
In my special case I got a directory which didn't exist any longer, but NetBeans tries to access the folder all the time:
14:08:05 getattrlist /path/to/workspaces/pii 0.000011 java
Repeated many, many, many times. If you have a similar problem, fix it by deleting your NetBeans cache folder here:
If your is still making a lot of disk I/O. Check if it's accessing the subverison folders and svncache.
I had to disable the subversion features with config file:
add a line:
SOURCE: Netbeans forums
IMHO it's mainly related to a lot of disk I/O caused by missing files or folders and svncache.
Put your .netbeans Homefolder into a Ramdisk and Netbeans its going to be incredible fast.
I detected on my Ubuntu 16.04 that every Key-Press causes a HDD read or write action. Reason enougth for me to use a Ramdisk. As a little positive side-effect my HDD is quite now (no tickclickrrickrrrticktick any more) and has a longer live.
Had the same issue with Netbeans 7.3.* and 7.4 Beta on Windows 7. Switching some plugins on and off, I figured out it was the svn plugin which boosted the CPU constantly to about 27%, converting my laptop into a toaster. Turn it off and code happy again :)
For Windows - Should work for other OS as well
Netbeans is just like any other java application which requires tuning for its JVM.
Please read the following link to have some benchmark results for netbeans
The following settings works fine in my Windows 7 PC with 4GB RAM and I5 Quad core processor.
(Check for the line netbeans_default_options in the netbeans config file inside bin folder and replace the config line as follows)
netbeans_default_options="-XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=1 -Xverify:none -XX:PermSize=100M -Xmx500m -Xms500m -XX+UseParallelGC ${netbeans_default_options}"
Small Suggestion: Garbage collection plays a vital part in JVM heap size and since I had a quad core processor, I used Parallel GC. If you have single thread processor, please use UseSerialGC. From my experience, if Xmx Xms values are same, there is no performance overhead for JVM to switch between min and max values. In my case, whenever my app size tries to exceed 500MB, the parallel GC comes in handy to cleanup unwanted garbage so my app never exceed 500MB in my PC.
Is it a corporate Windows machine? If so aggressive virus scanners can really slow down modern IDEs. Check your task manager for processes that are using a lot of CPU or disk reads.