I want to install MIT Scheme on my Mac, I have downloaded the MacOS X binary(x86-64).
However, I could not make it work using Mac Terminal.
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For Yosemite 10.10.3:
After installing X11.app and homebrew,
$ brew tap homebrew/x11
$ brew install mit-scheme
I found it easier when a maintained package manager such as homebrew covers all the dependency and build stuff.
Edit: simply
$ brew install mit-scheme
would do. X11 is now optional instead of dependence. There is still an --with-x11
option which requires whole Xcode.
The best way that I've found was from here:
For the 32-bit version, run this command:
sudo ln -s /Applications/MIT\:GNU\ Scheme.app/Contents/Resources /usr/local/lib/mit-scheme-i386
Then enter your administrator password, and run this command:
sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/mit-scheme-i386/mit-scheme /usr/local/bin/scheme
For the 64-bit version, first run this command:
sudo ln -s /Applications/MIT\:GNU\ Scheme.app/Contents/Resources /usr/local/lib/mit-scheme-x86-64
Then enter your administrator password and run this command:
sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/mit-scheme-x86-64/mit-scheme /usr/local/bin/scheme
And that's it! Now you should be able to use MIT Scheme in your terminal by typing "scheme" into the command line:
If you are using docker, and I recommend you do:
docker run -it inikolaev/alpine-scheme
will drop you right into a scheme REPL.
If you are having trouble with the accepted answer from @virgil-ming, try this:
$ brew install Caskroom/cask/xquartz
$ brew install mit-scheme
Same idea, of course, but this got me up and running when brew tap homebrew/x11
responded with multiple conflicts.
As always, remember to brew update
then try again when you are having problems, a la Homebrew's troubleshooting guide.
You can install scheme using homebrew using the following command
brew install mit-scheme
Homebrew makes it easy for you. On Terminal, type:
ruby <(curl -fsSkL raw.github.com/mxcl/homebrew/go) ; brew install mit-scheme
The install script has been moved:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" ; brew install mit-scheme