High quality, simple random password generator

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渐次进展 2020-12-22 17:06

I\'m interested in creating a very simple, high (cryptographic) quality random password generator. Is there a better way to do this?

import os, random, strin         

  • 2020-12-22 17:15

    Just two days ago, Kragen Javier Sitaker posted a program to do this at http://lists.canonical.org/pipermail/kragen-hacks/2011-September/000527.html (gone now - try https://github.com/jesterpm/bin/blob/master/mkpasswd)

    Generate a random, memorizable password: http://xkcd.com/936/

    Example run:

    kragen at inexorable:~/devel/inexorable-misc$ ./mkpass.py 5 12 Your password is "learned damage saved residential stages". That's equivalent to a 60-bit key.

    That password would take 2.5e+03 CPU-years to crack on my inexpensive Celeron E1200 from 2008, assuming an offline attack on a MS-Cache hash, which is the worst password hashing algorithm in common use, slightly worse than even simple MD5.

    The most common password-hashing algorithm these days is FreeBSD’s iterated MD5; cracking such a hash would take 5.2e+06 CPU-years.

    But a modern GPU can crack about 250 times as fast, so that same iterated MD5 would fall in 2e+04 GPU-years.

    That GPU costs about US$1.45 per day to run in 2011, so cracking the password would cost about US$3e+09.

    I've started using a password generated this way in place of a 9-printable- ASCII-character random password, which is equally strong. Munroe's assertion that these passwords are much easier to memorize is correct. However, there is still a problem: because there are many fewer bits of entropy per character (about 1.7 instead of 6.6) there is a lot of redundancy in the password, and so attacks such as the ssh timing-channel attack (the Song, Wagner, and Tian Herbivore attack, which I learned about from Bram Cohen in the Bagdad Café in the wee hours one morning, years ago) and keyboard audio recording attacks have a much better chance of capturing enough information to make the password attackable.

    My countermeasure to the Herbivore attack, which works well with 9-character password but is extremely annoying with my new password, is to type the password with a half-second delay between characters, so that the timing channel does not carry much information about the actual characters used. Additionally, the lower length of the 9-character password inherently gives the Herbivore approach much less information to chew on.

    Other possible countermeasures include using Emacs shell-mode, which prompts you locally for the password when it recognizes a password prompt and then sends the whole password at once, and copying and pasting the password from somewhere else.

    As you'd expect, this password also takes a little while longer to type: about 6 seconds instead of about 3 seconds.

    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    import random, itertools, os, sys
    def main(argv):
            nwords = int(argv[1])
        except IndexError:
            return usage(argv[0])
            nbits = int(argv[2])
        except IndexError:
            nbits = 11
        filename = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], 'devel', 'wordlist')
        wordlist = read_file(filename, nbits)
        if len(wordlist) != 2**nbits:
            sys.stderr.write("%r contains only %d words, not %d.\n" %
                             (filename, len(wordlist), 2**nbits))
            return 2
        display_password(generate_password(nwords, wordlist), nwords, nbits)
        return 0
    def usage(argv0):
        p = sys.stderr.write
        p("Usage: %s nwords [nbits]\n" % argv0)
        p("Generates a password of nwords words, each with nbits bits\n")
        p("of entropy, choosing words from the first entries in\n")
        p("$HOME/devel/wordlist, which should be in the same format as\n")
        p("<http://canonical.org/~kragen/sw/wordlist>, which is a text file\n")
        p("with one word per line, preceded by its frequency, most frequent\n")
        p("words first.\n")
        p("    %s 5 12\n" % argv0)
        p("    %s 6\n" % argv0)
        return 1
    def read_file(filename, nbits):
        return [line.split()[1] for line in
                itertools.islice(open(filename), 2**nbits)]
    def generate_password(nwords, wordlist):
        choice = random.SystemRandom().choice
        return ' '.join(choice(wordlist) for ii in range(nwords))
    def display_password(password, nwords, nbits):
        print 'Your password is "%s".' % password
        entropy = nwords * nbits
        print "That's equivalent to a %d-bit key." % entropy
        # My Celeron E1200
        # (<http://ark.intel.com/products/34440/Intel-Celeron-Processor-E1200-(512K-Cache-1_60-GHz-800-MHz-FSB)>)
        # was released on January 20, 2008.  Running it in 32-bit mode,
        # john --test (<http://www.openwall.com/john/>) reports that it
        # can do 7303000 MD5 operations per second, but I’m pretty sure
        # that’s a single-core number (I don’t think John is
        # multithreaded) on a dual-core processor.
        t = years(entropy, 7303000 * 2)
        print "That password would take %.2g CPU-years to crack" % t
        print "on my inexpensive Celeron E1200 from 2008,"
        print "assuming an offline attack on a MS-Cache hash,"
        print "which is the worst password hashing algorithm in common use,"
        print "slightly worse than even simple MD5."
        t = years(entropy, 3539 * 2)
        print "The most common password-hashing algorithm these days is FreeBSD’s"
        print "iterated MD5; cracking such a hash would take %.2g CPU-years." % t
        # (As it happens, my own machines use Drepper’s SHA-2-based
        # hashing algorithm that was developed to replace the one
        # mentioned above; I am assuming that it’s at least as slow as the
        # MD5-crypt.)
        # <https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Mining_hardware_comparison> says a
        # Core 2 Duo U7600 can do 1.1 Mhash/s (of Bitcoin) at a 1.2GHz
        # clock with one thread.  The Celeron in my machine that I
        # benchmarked is basically a Core 2 Duo with a smaller cache, so
        # I’m going to assume that it could probably do about 1.5Mhash/s.
        # All common password-hashing algorithms (the ones mentioned
        # above, the others implemented in John, and bcrypt, but not
        # scrypt) use very little memory and, I believe, should scale on
        # GPUs comparably to the SHA-256 used in Bitcoin.
        # The same mining-hardware comparison says a Radeon 5870 card can
        # do 393.46 Mhash/s for US$350.
        print "But a modern GPU can crack about 250 times as fast,"
        print "so that same iterated MD5 would fall in %.1g GPU-years." % (t / 250)
        # Suppose we depreciate the video card by Moore’s law,
        # i.e. halving in value every 18 months.  That's a loss of about
        # 0.13% in value every day; at US$350, that’s about 44¢ per day,
        # or US$160 per GPU-year.  If someone wanted your password as
        # quickly as possible, they could distribute the cracking job
        # across a network of millions of these cards.  The cards
        # additionally use about 200 watts of power, which at 16¢/kWh
        # works out to 77¢ per day.  If we assume an additional 20%
        # overhead, that’s US$1.45/day or US$529/GPU-year.
        cost_per_day = 1.45
        cost_per_crack = cost_per_day * 365 * t
        print "That GPU costs about US$%.2f per day to run in 2011," % cost_per_day
        print "so cracking the password would cost about US$%.1g." % cost_per_crack
    def years(entropy, crypts_per_second):
        return float(2**entropy) / crypts_per_second / 86400 / 365.2422
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-22 17:16

    implementing @Thomas Pornin solution

    import M2Crypto
    import string
    def random_password(length=10):
        chars = string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits + string.ascii_lowercase
        password = ''
        for i in range(length):
            password += chars[ord(M2Crypto.m2.rand_bytes(1)) % len(chars)]
        return password
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-22 17:16

    Base64 let us encode binary data in a human readable/writable mode with no data loss.

    import os
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  • 2020-12-22 17:17

    Implenting @Thomas Pornin solution (can't comment @Yossi inexact answer):

    import string, os
    chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '+/'
    assert 256 % len(chars) == 0  # non-biased later modulo
    PWD_LEN = 16
    print(''.join(chars[c % len(chars)] for c in os.urandom(PWD_LEN)))

    UPDATED for python3 thank to Stephan Lukits

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-22 17:17

    I love linguistics, in my approach I create memorable pseudo words with high level of entropy by alternating consonants & vowels.

    • Not susceptible to dictionary attacks
    • Pronounceable and therefore good chance to be memorable
    • Short passwords with decent strength
    • Optional parameter to add a random digit for compatibility (less memorable, but conforms to apps built with the old password security thinking, e.g. requiring a digit)

    Python code:

    import random
    import string
    def make_pseudo_word(syllables=5, add_number=False):
        """Create decent memorable passwords.
        Alternate random consonants & vowels
        rnd = random.SystemRandom()
        s = string.ascii_lowercase
        vowels = 'aeiou'
        consonants = ''.join([x for x in s if x not in vowels])
        pwd = ''.join([rnd.choice(consonants) + rnd.choice(vowels)
                   for x in range(syllables)]).title()
        if add_number:
            pwd += str(rnd.choice(range(10)))
        return pwd
    >>> make_pseudo_word(syllables=5)
    >>> make_pseudo_word(syllables=5)
    >>> make_pseudo_word(syllables=5)
    >>> make_pseudo_word(syllables=4)
    >>> make_pseudo_word(syllables=4)
    >>> make_pseudo_word(syllables=4)
    >>> make_pseudo_word(syllables=3)
    >>> make_pseudo_word(syllables=3)
    >>> make_pseudo_word(syllables=3)


    • for Latin and Germanic language speakers and those familiar with English
    • one should use vowels and consonants of the language predominant with the application users or focus group and tune
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-22 17:20

    Another implemention of the XKCD method:

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    import random
    import re
    # apt-get install wbritish
    def randomWords(num, dictionary="/usr/share/dict/british-english"):
      r = random.SystemRandom() # i.e. preferably not pseudo-random
      f = open(dictionary, "r")
      count = 0
      chosen = []
      for i in range(num):
      prog = re.compile("^[a-z]{5,9}$") # reasonable length, no proper nouns
        for word in f:
            for i in range(num): # generate all words in one pass thru file
              if(r.randint(0,count) == 0): 
                chosen[i] = word.strip()
            count += 1
    def genPassword(num=4):
      return(" ".join(randomWords(num)))
    if(__name__ == "__main__"):
      print genPassword()

    Sample output:

    $ ./randompassword.py
    affluent afford scarlets twines
    $ ./randompassword.py
    speedboat ellipse further staffer
    0 讨论(0)