Does anybody has an idea how Pinterest or Tumblr has implemented there \"swipe back\" method.
i.e. on Pinterest you can click on a post on the news feed. Than the
I wrote a project. It allows you to develop an app navigated by Fragments easily, performs just like Pinterest.
Maybe it's not the answer what you want. But I hope it's useful to someone else.
This library allows you to open fragments as in iOS and close them using swipes
I found a GitHub project that is based on SwipeBack like Pinterest.
It is really a great open source project that should solve your problem. It does as you needed like go to previous screen by pressing back or simple swipe. As this project having option
1. Swipe left to Right
2. Swipe Right to Left
3. Swipe Bottom to top
and also you install this demo application from Google Play.
Attached Screenshots:-
Hope this will help you.
I just checked with hierarchy viewer. It seems like they are using ViewPager with a screenshot of the previous activity.