The first step is to define what a bug is. I teach that a bug is only a bug if it is functionality that does not work in production as it was intended/designed. These become bug type PBIs to be prioritized against new development. Missing functionality in production is a Feature and becomes a normal product backlog item. Any defective code found during a sprint is considered incomplete work and since you don't move on to the next story until the current one is done-done; it is unnecessary to track these defects in the sprint as the team is always working on the offending code. Post-its can be super handy here for quick reminders between team-mates. Fixing broken code always takes precedent over writing new code. If the defects are due to misunderstanding the story then you need to work on your conditions of acceptance before starting the story.
Inventory is waste. Bug tracking is inventory. Bug tracking is waste.
Treating all bugs equally with backlog items might sound like a good idea in theory (work tracked in a single place) but doesn't work well in practice. Bugs are usually low-level and more numerous, so if you create an individual user story for each bug then the "real" stories will get obscured soon.
If you have that many more bugs than features then you need to work on your engineering practices. This is a smell that something else is wrong and tracking is not the answer. Dig deeper. Actually bugs are always smelly. They aren't cool and if you have lots of them you need to find the root causes(s), eliminate those, and stop focusing on tracking bugs.