I've been using git-flow model for over a year and its ok.
But it really depends on how how your application will be developed and deployed.
It works well when you have an application that have a slow development/deployment flow.
But for example, like GitHub we have an application that has a fast development/deployment flow, we deploy everyday, and sometimes several times a day, in this case, git-flow tends to slow down everything in my opinion, and I use GitHub flow.
The other thing to consider is, git-flow is not standard git, so you might, and when I say you might, I really mean, you will find developers that don't know it, and then there is the learning curve, more chance to mess things up. Also as mentioned above, someone developed a set of scripts to make the use of git-flow more easy, so you don't have to remember all the commands, it will assist you with the commands, but remembering the actual flow is your job, I've came across more than once when a developer didn't know whether it was a hotfix or feature, or even worst when they can't remember the flow and stuff things up.
There is at least one GUI that supports git-flow for Mac and Windows SourceTree.
These days, I'm leaning more towards GitHub flow, due to its simplicity and easy to manage. Also, because of "deploy early deploy often"...
Hope this helps