I\'m trying to get a JavaScript array into an HTML table when the page loads, and then when an arrow is clicked (either up or down) it arranges them into ascending or descen
Sorting Data
You can use the array Sort function to ascending and descending your data(array of objects), something like,
/** Sorting the data in asscending by comparing month **/
function inOrderAsc(a, b){
return a.Month == b.Month ? 0 : +(a.Month > b.Month) || -1;
/** Sorting the data in descending by comparing month **/
function inOrderDesc(a, b){
return a.Month == b.Month ? 0 : +(a.Month < b.Month) || -1;
function accending(objs){
return objs.sort(inOrderAsc);
function descending(objs){
return objs.sort(inOrderDesc);
Attach the event
Attach the key down event, on which the sort operation will be performed,
/**Attach event, on which the sort action will be performed **/
document.onkeydown = initEvent;
function initEvent(e) {
e = e || window.event;
if (e.keyCode == '38') {
var result = accending(lakeData);
displayData( result);
} else if (e.keyCode == '40') {
var result = descending(lakeData);
Display data
Now finally display the data after sorting,
/** Display the data in table **/
function displayData(objs){
var row, cell, cell2;
var tbody = document.querySelector('#lake tbody');
var cloneTbody = tbody.cloneNode(false);
tbody.parentNode.replaceChild(cloneTbody, tbody);
for(var i=0; i<objs.length; i++){
row = cloneTbody.insertRow();
cell = row.insertCell();
cell.innerHTML = objs[i].Month;
cell2 = row.insertCell();
cell2.innerHTML = objs[i].LakeErieLevels;
The full demo is on JsFiddle.