I\'m trying to find this query where I want to show which hosts uses which template from my Zabbix table. The only problem is that hosts and templates are registered in the
This is a basic question. You should learn more about SQL syntax, such as chained joins, accessing same column name from different tables.
Example code:
select h1.name, h2.name
from hosts_templates ht
inner join hosts h1 on ht.hostid = h1.hostid
inner join hosts h2 on ht.templateid = h2.hostid;
as you r selecting data from one table ie host_templates ony
SELECT id,hosts_templates.hostid,hosts_templates.templateid FROM hosts,host_templates WHERE hosts.id = hosts_templates.hostsid OR hosts.id=hosts_templates.templateid
use it ,it works
You have to join twice. Give the table different aliases so you can distinguish them.
SELECT h1.name as host_name, h2.name AS template_name
FROM hosts_template AS t
JOIN hosts AS h1 ON t.hostid = h1.hostid
JOIN hosts AS h2 ON t.hosttemplateid = h2.hostid