I am in a need of function that will encode and decode all the id\'s of a tree nodes. I function that will check if its a single string or array string or string with delimi
I wrote you a prototype for an extended class from this base class. Not sure what $PatternFlip
is for, its not accessible in this class so you'll have to change it as you see necessary. If you want the result in a different format you can add functions to the class.
class MyProtector extends Protector {
var $Object;
var $encode;//1 means encode, not 1 means decode
var $result;
function __MyProtector($obj="",$encode=0,$pattern="") {
if($encode){//encode object
}else{//decode object
private function smartEncode($object){
//encodes string or array
return encodeArray($object);
}else if(is_string($object)){
return encodeString($object);
return 0;
private function smartDecode($object){
//encodes string or array
return encodeDelimiter($object);
}else if(is_string($object)){
return encodeString($object);
return 0;
private function decodeDelimiter($object){
$a=explode("&",$string);//will only work if your encoding does not include "&"!
foreach($a as $i){
return $aDecoded;
private function decodeString($s){
return $this->Decode();
private function encodeString($s){
return $this->Encode();
private function encodeArray($s){
foreach($s as $i){
return $s;
//setters and getters
function getPattern(){
return $this->Pattern;
function getPatternFlip(){
return $this->Pattern;
function getPattern(){
return $this->Pattern;
Example usage:
$o=new MyProtector($string,0,$pattern);
echo $o->$result; //returns encoded string
$o=new MyProtector($string,1,$pattern);
echo $o->$result; //returns decoded string
$o=new MyProtector($array,0,$pattern);
echo $o->$result; //returns decoded string with '&' inbetween encoded array entries
$o=new MyProtector($stringWithDelimiter,1,$pattern);
echo $o->$result;//returns decoded array
I'm sure there will be a few syntax errors, typos in there as I haven't compiled/tried the thing. Hope that helped.