I have a df,
Ram is one of the key ram
Kumar is playing cricket
Ravi is playing and ravi is a good player
and a list
In [187]: pat = '({})'.format('|'.join(my_list))
In [188]: df['Match'] = df['Name'].str.extract(pat, expand=False)
In [190]: df['Count'] = df.Name.str.count(pat)
In [191]: df
Name Match Count
0 Ram is one of the key ram Ram 1
1 Kumar is playing cricket NaN 0
2 Ravi is playing and ravi (ravi ravi) is a good... ravi 3 # i've intentionally added `(ravi ravi)`
Is this what you are looking for ?
new_l = [i.lower() for i in my_list]
extracted = df['Name'].str.lower().str.findall('(' + '|'.join(new_l) + ')').apply(set)
df['Match'] = extracted.apply(','.join)
df['count'] = extracted.apply(len)
Name Match count 0 Ram is one of the key ram ram 1 1 Kumar is playing cricket 0 2 Ravi Ram is playing and ravi is a good player ram,ravi 2