How to make html5 date field in search toolbar to respect column width

后端 未结 1 1389
伪装坚强ぢ 2020-12-22 11:49

Free jqgrid is used with Bootstrap 3. Toolbar search contains html5 date field. Date field width is bigger than column width. If column is resized, date field width is still

  • 2020-12-22 12:41

    Examine the modified demo which have the following code

    var serverResponse = {
            "page": "1",
            "records": "3",
            "rows": [
                { "Id": "1", IsActive: "2015-01-09" },
                { "Id": "2", IsActive: "2015-01-05" },
                { "Id": "3", IsActive: "2015-01-21" }
        dateTemplate = {
            sorttype: "date",
            formatter: "date",
            formatoptions: {
                srcformat: "Y-m-d",
                reformatAfterEdit: true
            editoptions: {
                maxlength: 10,
                size: 10
            editable: true,
            searchoptions: {
                sopt: ["eq", "ne", "lt", "le", "gt", "ge"],
                size: 10,
                clearSearch: false,
                attr: { size: 10, type: "date", style: "width:11em;" }
        $grid = $("#categorysummary");
        url: "/echo/json/",
        datatype: "json",
        mtype: "POST",
        postData: {
            json: JSON.stringify(serverResponse)
        colNames: ["Active", "Second"],
        colModel: [
            { name: "IsActive", template: dateTemplate, width: 125 },
            { name: "Second", width: 85 }
        jsonReader: {
            id: "Id",
            repeatitems: false
        viewrecords: true

    and additional CSS rule, which fix the problem existing because of the usage of Bootstrap CSS

    .ui-search-table input[type=date] {
        line-height: normal;

    UPDATE: One can resize the input[type=date] after resizing the column. See which use additionally

    resizeStop: function (newWidth, iCol) {
        var colModel = $(this).jqGrid("getGridParam", "colModel");
        if (colModel[iCol].name === "IsActive") {
            $("#gs_IsActive").width(newWidth - 7); // - padding
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