I want to assign the data I have read in the Firebase database to the values I have given in the code. The data is being read in the code I have given, but the values are no
This issue is that Firebase is asynchronous so you need to give Firebase time to fetch and return the requested data. i.e. the data is only valid within the closure.
Your code is assigning values with let items = ... outside the closure and that code will execute way before the data is returned. Move the assignment inside like closure like this (code is shortened for brevity)
func fetchDevies() {
let ref = Database.database().reference().child("some_node").child("Rooms")
ref.observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { snapshot in
let value = snapshot.value as? NSDictionary
if let deviceRooms1 = value?["Rooms1"] as? String {
self.deviceRoom1 = deviceRooms1
let items = [self.deviceRoom1, self.deviceRoom2, self.deviceRoom3, self.deviceRoom4, self.deviceRoom5]
//code here will run before Firebase has returned data and populated the vars
Also, be careful with var names. If you are accessing a class var, always refer to it with self. like self.deviceRoom1