I would like to use ssh key authentication. I have a file that contains:
ip location
ip location
i have a bash script as follow :
If you want to open an ssh session using your keys without having to putt the password I think that this is what you are looking for: http://www.linuxproblem.org/art_9.html
If you don't want to use a password and security is not important, another solution is to use sshpass
This is generally not a good idea, specially in secure environments, but in some situations it can help.
sshpass -p raspberry ssh pi@
this can be combined with
ssh -q -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no pi@
to avoid confirmation questions that prevent automated scripting from happening.
Again, only use this in development systems where different machines share an IP and security is not important.
Execute the following command from your host machine as the usual user. This will generate a public-private key for this user on that host.
The keys will by default be created under ~/.ssh and usually named as id_rsa (private key) id_rsa.pub (public key) Now the public key can be copied to any number of remote computers and all further secure log-ins to those hosts will not prompt for the password.
ssh-copy-id user@machine