data.table is very useful but I could not find an elegant way to solve the following problem. There are some closer answers out there, but none solved my problem. Lets say t
The linked answer ( is nearly a duplicate, and so is , but here goes again, with a slight twist:
# Gene1 Gene2 Ens.ID.1 Ens.ID.2 CORR
#1: FOXA1 MYC ENSG000000129.13. ENSG000000129.11 0.9953311
#2: EGFR CD4 ENSG000000129 ENSG000000129.12 0.9947215
If you have >2 or many keys to dedup by, you are probably best off converting to a long file, sorting, back to a wide file and then de-duplicating. Like so:
dupvars <- c("Gene1","Gene2")
sel <- !duplicated(
melt(dt[, c(.SD,id=.(.I)), .SDcols=dupvars], id.vars="id")[
order(id,value), grp := seq_len(.N), by=id],
id ~ grp