I\'m using a POST form to login on my backend which works without any problem. The backend accepts all locations (*)
After I login, I\'m ready to get some data and t
I would suggest you to use Ext.data.JsonP.request instead of Ext.Ajax.request.
JSONP by definition from wiki
is a technique used by web developers to overcome the cross-domain restrictions imposed by browsers' same-origin policy that limits access to resources retrieved from origins other than the one the page was served by
Here is the documentation
I am sure you already know that JavaScript is case-sensitive; but did you know that Headers are, too?
The browser states correctly that Access-Control-Allow-Origin
is not *
, because Access-Control-Allow-Origin
and access-control-allow-origin
are two different headers - and only one of them is a valid CORS header.
We solved this issue:
installed corsEverywhere firefox plugin to simulate an accepted cors so we could compare settings with/without simulation:
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials true wasn't set at the server. ( cookie authentication )