I am using Facebook Graph API...for fetching the data of news feed of the facebook profile..
and here is the response that i am getting in the console
it's unclear what you exactly asking but I try to answer.
First of all you need to parse this response in the method - (void)request:(FBRequest *)request didLoad:(id)result of Facebook iOS SDK
result can be a string, a NSArray if you have multiple results and NSDictionary
In you console output we can see NSDictionary with included arrays and dictionaries in it. I have little tutorial about it but it's on russian only and site is down today :( so i just copy one example from my article.
Let say we want to know what facebook user Likes
- (IBAction)getUserInfo:(id)sender {
[_facebook requestWithGraphPath:@"me/likes" andDelegate:self];
if we try this Graph API response in browser or output to console we can see what this request returns. It returns dictionary with one and only key - "data" and corresponded array to this key. This array contents dictionary objects again with keys -
«name»,"category","id","created_time". Dont forget request «user_likes» permission before.
So we have parsing method like that:
- (void)request:(FBRequest *)request didLoad:(id)result {
if ([result isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) {
result = [result objectAtIndex:0];
if ([result objectForKey:@"owner"]) {
[self.label setText:@"Photo upload Success"];
} else if ([result objectForKey:@"data"]){
NSArray *likes = [result objectForKey:@"data"];
NSString *text=@"You don't like Steve";
for (NSDictionary* mylike in likes) {
NSString *mylikeName = [mylike objectForKey:@"name"];
if ([mylikeName isEqualToString:@"Steve Jobs"]) {
text=@"You like Steve";
[self.label setText:text];
You can parse you result same way and fill your object's variables and then use it to display information in TableView for example. good luck!