First of all: I already found this thread, which basically is exactly what I want, but I tried my best to apply it to my needs - I couldn\'t.
So, I have the followin
Try this:
function joinObjects( array ) {
// Start with empty array
var ret = new Array();
// Iterate array
for ( var i = 0; i < array.length; i++ ) {
// Search by fieldname
var match = false;
var j;
for ( j = 0; j < ret.length; j++ ) {
if ( array[i].Fieldname == ret[j].Fieldname ) { match = true; break; }
// If not exists
if ( !match ) {
// Intert object
Fieldname: array[i].Fieldname,
Value: new Array()
// Insert value
ret[j].Value.push( array[i].Value );
// Return new array
return ret;
What you'd want to do first is build a hash with Fieldname
as key, and an array as value. Then you'd want to use reduce
to add the values into the hash and array. Then you can transform it into an array using Object.keys
and map
var input = [
{Name: 'M100', ObjectID: 1, ObjectType: 'TEC_MapLocation'},
{Name: 'M200', ObjectID: 2, ObjectType: 'TEC_MapLocation'},
{Name: 'FL456', ObjectID: 4, ObjectType: 'TEC_FunctionalLocation'},
{Name: 'E0192', ObjectID: 5, ObjectType: 'TEC_Equipment'}
var hash = input.reduce(function(carry, item){
// Create the name
var name = 'Übergeordnete ' + item.ObjectType;
// If array with name doesn't exist, create it
if(!carry[name]) carry[name] = [];
// If item isn't in the array, add it.
if(!~carry[name].indexOf(item.Name)) carry[name].push(item.Name);
return carry;
}, {});
// Convert the hash into an array
var output = Object.keys(hash).map(function(key, index, array){
return { Fieldname: key, Value: hash[key] }