I\'m trying to implement in Spring Data using MongoTemplate the following working mongoDb query:
{ \"$match\" : { \"object_id\
You can workaround this issue by providing your own AggregationExpression
ProjectionOperation agg = Aggregation.project() //
.and(new AggregationExpression() {
public DBObject toDbObject(AggregationOperationContext context) {
DBObject filterExpression = new BasicDBObject();
filterExpression.put("input", "$answer_list");
filterExpression.put("as", "answer");
filterExpression.put("cond", new BasicDBObject("$eq2", Arrays.<Object> asList("$$answer.question", 2)));
return new BasicDBObject("$filter", filterExpression);
There is one more alternative using Aggregation
Aggregation aggregation = newAggregation(
AggregationResults<OutputType> profile = mongoTemplate.aggregate(aggregation, InputType.class, OutputType.class);
I may not be able to answer your question correctly but I just wanted to give another approach for aggregation as there are lesser number of examples using Aggregation
In project()
you can specify keys you want in your response, as its a varargs method