Regex replace word when not enclosed in brackets

后端 未结 2 787
臣服心动 2020-12-22 08:20

I\'m trying to create a regular expression where it replaces words which are not enclosed by brackets.

Here is what I currently have:


  • 2020-12-22 09:07

    After another morning of playing with the regex I came up with a quite dirty solution which isn't flexible at all, but works for my use case.

    $this->parsed = preg_replace('/\b(?!\[(|((\w+)(\s|\.))|((\w+)(\s|\.)(\w+)(\s|\.))))('.preg_quote($word).')(?!(((\s|\.)(\w+))|((\s|\.)(\w+)(\s|\.)(\w+))|)\[)\b/s','[$10['.implode(",",array_unique($types)).']]',$this->parsed);

    What it basically does is check for brackets with no words, 1 word or 2 words in front or behind it in combination with the specified keyword.

    Still, it would be great to hear if anyone has a better solution.

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  • 2020-12-22 09:14

    You may match any substring inside parentheses with \[[^][]*] pattern, and then use (*SKIP)(*FAIL) PCRE verbs to drop the match, and only match your pattern in any other context:


    See the regex demo. To skip matches inside paired nested square brackets, use a recusrsion-based regex with a subroutine (note it will have to use a capturing group):


    See a regex demo

    Also, since you are building the pattern dynamically, you need to preg_quote the $word along with the delimiter symbol (here, /).

    Your solution is

    $this->parsed = preg_replace(
        '/\[[^][]*\[[^][]*]](*SKIP)(*FAIL)|\b(?:' . preg_quote($word, '/') . ')\b/', 
        '[$0[' . implode(",", array_unique($types)) . ']]',

    The \[[^][]*\[[^][]*]] regex will match all those occurrences that have been wrapped with your replacement pattern:

    • \[ - a [
    • [^][]* - 0+ chars other than [ and ]
    • \[ - a [ char
    • [^][]* - 0+ chars other than [ and ]
    • ]] - a ]] substring.
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