I am currently using Java reflection
I don\'t have any problem doing it with reflection . I learned about LambdaMetaFactory has better performance than reflection
You can’t bind an interface with a varargs method to an arbitrary target method, as then, the interface would promise to handle an arbitrary number of arguments while the actual implementation method only accepts a fixed number of arguments. Hence, the following does not compile:
public interface MethodFunctionArgs<T> {
T call(Object... params);
static String someMethod(String arg1, int arg2) { return ""; }
// does not work
MethodFunctionArgs<String> func = MethodFunctionArgs::someMethod;
What you can do, is the other way round, an implementation method that can handle an arbitrary number of arguments can also handle a request with specific arguments:
public interface MethodFunctionArgs<T> {
T call(String arg1, int arg2);
static String someMethod(Object... params) { return ""; }
// no problem
MethodFunctionArgs<String> func = MethodFunctionArgs::someMethod;
But it must be mentioned that the LambdaMetaFactory
is not capable of handling the varargs processing. The compiler helps here by inserting a synthetic helper method, so the compiled code is equivalent to
public interface MethodFunctionArgs<T> {
T call(String arg1, int arg2);
static String someMethod(Object... params) { return ""; }
// no problem
MethodFunctionArgs<String> func = (arg1,arg2) -> someMethod(new Object[]{arg1, arg2});
But when you have a functional interface with varargs, you are already paying a lot of the typical Reflection costs (boxing, and creating and filling an array) before even invoking the interface method. You may still test the performance of Method.invoke
compared to MethodHandle.invoke
private MethodHandle handle;
public Object callReturn(Object... args) throws Exception {
try {
if(handle == null) {
final MethodHandles.Lookup lookup = MethodHandles.lookup();
MethodHandle h = lookup.unreflect(this.getMethod());
handle = h.asType(h.type().generic())
.asSpreader(Object[].class, h.type().parameterCount());
return handle.invokeExact(args);
} catch (Throwable ex) {
throw new Exception(ex);
To get a performance benefit from the LambdaMetaFactory
, you need a specific interface with a matching functional signature.
interface SpecialFunction {
Map<String,SpecialFunction> PREDEFINED = getMap();
String call(int i, double d, String s);
static String method1(int i, double d, String s) {
return "method1("+i+", "+d+", "+s+')';
static String method2(int i, double d, String s) {
return "method2("+i+", "+d+", "+s+')';
static String method3(int i, double d, String s) {
return "method3("+i+", "+d+", "+s+')';
/* private (with Java 9) */ static Map<String,SpecialFunction> getMap() {
Map<String,SpecialFunction> map = new HashMap<>();
MethodHandles.Lookup lookup = MethodHandles.lookup();
MethodType invoked = MethodType.methodType(SpecialFunction.class);
MethodType func = MethodType.methodType(String.class,
int.class, double.class, String.class);
final int mod = Modifier.PUBLIC|Modifier.STATIC;
for(Method m: SpecialFunction.class.getDeclaredMethods()) try {
MethodHandle target = lookup.unreflect(m);
if((m.getModifiers()&mod) == mod && target.type().equals(func))
map.put(m.getName(), (SpecialFunction)LambdaMetafactory.metafactory(
lookup, "call", invoked, func, target, func).getTarget().invoke());
} catch(Throwable ex) {
throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(ex);
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(map);