I am rewriting the post to make it clearer
I have a HomeController that has the following Actions
public ActionResult About()
So the problem was that i could not get the td element with the following code
I have solved it in a very hacky way but would love to have a neater solution
function setResultValue(colIndex, rowIndex, resultValue) {
if ($("#MapDetails").children().children()[rowIndex] != undefined) {
var cell = $("#MapDetails").children().children()[rowIndex].children[colIndex];
cell.innerHTML = resultValue;
else {
var newRow = 0, newCol = 0, assessmentLength = 5, elementPos = 0;
newRow = rowIndex - 3;
newCol = colIndex - 4;
elementPos = (newRow * assessmentLength) + newCol;
$(".test").get(elementPos).innerHTML = resultValue;
.test is the class of my td as you could see in the markup
My Question on the sequence of loading script element and dom element when partial view rendering is still there