I am a python newbie. I am trying to parse through an xml file and count all text inputs that are all numeric including approximated values using e- or e+. E.g. Given the ps
You can simply try to convert each inner text element to a float, and ignore any errors.
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
tree = ET.parse("temp.txt")
root = tree.getroot()
nums = []
for e in root.itertext():
except ValueError:
print nums
print len(nums)
As requested, a probably inefficient but successful method to keep track of the locations of the elements:
def extractNumbers(path, node):
nums = []
path += '/' + node.tag
if 'name' in node.keys():
path += '=' + node.attrib['name']
num = float(node.text)
nums.append( (path, num) )
except (ValueError, TypeError):
for e in list(node):
nums.extend( extractNumbers(path, e) )
return nums
tree = ET.parse('temp.txt')
nums = extractNumbers('', tree.getroot())
print len(nums)
print nums
for n in nums:
print n[0], n[1]