I have a very simple Shiny app, wherein I have a set of data on past customers, and a set of data on 3 new customers. All my data consists only of 2 variables: age and scor
I believe this is the code you want. It's not too complicated, I hope it helps
new_customers <- data.frame(age=c(30, 35, 40), score=c(-1.80, 1.21, -0.07))
historic_customers <- data.frame(age=sample(18:55, 500, replace=T), score=(rnorm(500)))
server <- function(input, output, session) {
get_selected_customer <- reactive({
new_customers[input$cust_no, ]
cust <- get_selected_customer()
updateSliderInput(session, "age", value = c(cust$age - 5, cust$age + 5))
subset_historic_customers <- reactive({
DF <- historic_customers[which((historic_customers$age >= input$age[1]) &
(historic_customers$age <= input$age[2])), ]
output$distPlot <- renderPlot({
plotme <- subset_historic_customers()
p <- ggplot(data=plotme, aes(x=age, y=score))+ geom_point()
my_cust_age <- data.frame(get_selected_customer())
p <- p + geom_vline(data=my_cust_age, aes(xintercept=age))
ui <- fluidPage(
numericInput(inputId="cust_no", label="Select new customer:", value=1),
sliderInput(inputId="age", "Age of historic customer:", min=18, max = 55, value=c(18, 55), step=1, ticks=TRUE)
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)