I am working on an assignment using PHP & MYSQL.
one of the tasks is to search on any combination of the fields. That includes Dropdown boxes populated from the
I've done something similar in the past where I checked the value from different fields and then added them to a series of arrays. I created an array for select, from, where, order. You can do similar for other sets like group or limit. Then I ran 'array_unique', imploded them and put them into the SQL string.
$array_select = array('users.Id'); // SET SOME DEFAULTS SO THE QUERY WILL ALWAYS RUN
$array_from = array('users');
$array_where = array();
$array_order = array();
if (isset($first_name)) {
$array_select[] = 'First_Name';
$array_from[] = 'users';
if (isset($city)) {
$array_select[] = 'City';
$array_from[] = 'user_contact';
$array_where[] = 'users.Id = user_contact.City';
if ($array_select) {
$array_select = array_unique($array_select);
$string_select = implode(', ', $array_select);
if ($array_where) {
$array_where = array_unique($array_where);
$string_where = 'WHERE '.implode(' AND ', $array_where);
$sql = 'SELECT '.$string_select.' FROM '.$string_from.' '.$string_where.' ...
Why not evaluate your string with each column (this is a guide only, I'm not building your PHP code there:
(ID = $id OR $id = 'showAll')
AND (SPORT = $sport OR $sport = 'showAll')
AND (COUNTRY = $country OR $country = 'showAll')
AND (GENDER = $gender OR $gender = 'showAll')
AND (FIRSTNAME = $firstname OR $firstname = 'showAll')
Just need to make sure you NVL the variables to an appropriate value (whether it be int or string)
Instead of all those conditionals about whether to add AND
when concatenating to the query, use an array and implode
$fields = array('sport' => 'sport',
'gender' => 'gender',
'fname' => 'firstName',
'lname' => 'lastName',
'country' => 'country');
$wheres = array();
foreach ($fields as $postfield => $dbfield) {
if ($_POST[$postfield] != 'showAll') {
$wheres[] = "$dbfield = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST[$postfield]) . "'";
$selectString = "SELECT t2ath.lastName, t2ath.firstName, t2ath.image, t2ath.sport, t2ath.gender, t2ath.country, t2country.flag
FROM t2ath LEFT JOIN t2country
ON t2ath.country = t2country.name";
if (count($wheres) > 0) {
$selectString .= " WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $wheres);
$result = mysql_query($selectString);
To see how to do it similarly using PDO prepared statements, see my answer here: What code approach would let users apply three optional variables in PHP/MySQL?