How do I correctly implement custom events? I thought the following should work, but I never receive CustomEvent.READY in the main Model
package mvc
I don't really see anything wrong with the code. Just to test, try adding this statement at the end of initWorld() method:
_worldModel.dispatchEvent(new Event(CustomEvent.READY));
If your update() method is called, that would indicate that your existing dispatchEvent() method isn't being called.
_worldModel.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(CustomEvent.READY));
You must instantiate a CustomEvent, not an Event. Big difference.
You could also use your custom event to pass additional parameters with the dispatched event, which will prove amazingly handy if you make use of your CustomEvent heavily
* ...
* @author bosworth99
public class AppEvents extends Event
public static const APP_READY :String = "application ready";
public static const XML_LOADED :String = "XML has loaded";
public static const CHANGE_COMPLETE :String = "state change complete";
public static const PAGE_ADDED :String = "page content added";
public static const PAGE_REMOVED :String = "page content removed";
public static const LIBRARY_LOADED :String = "external library loaded";
public static const IMAGE_LOADED :String = "external image loaded";
public static const LOAD_ERROR :String = "external load failed";
public var arg:*;
public function AppEvents(type:String, bubbles:Boolean = false, cancelable:Boolean = false, ...a:*)
super(type, bubbles, cancelable);
arg = a;
override public function clone():Event
return new AppEvents(type, bubbles, cancelable, arg);
You can then pass any number of arguments along to a receiving function:
this.dispatchEvent(new AppEvents(AppEvents.LIBRARY_LOADED, false , false, _name, _library, _names));
And access them in the recieving function as an array.
private function onLibraryLoad(e:AppEvents):void
_digestExternalLib.removeEventListener(AppEvents.LIBRARY_LOADED, onLibraryLoad);
var currentIndex:int = AppData.navLocations.indexOf(e.arg[0], 0);
I yanked this from a functioning project... but you should be able to gather the important bits... Good luck!