I am using express and node.js in backend and ejs templating engine in front-end. My app.js look like this
app.get(\'/book/:id\', (req, res)=>{
var book_i
I think that your book.ejs file is under the route of '/book'. if that so, you script tag like <script type="text/javascript" src="books.js"></script>
will access the route of /book/book.js ,not your assets.
so you should set you src attribute like this /book.js
and make sure you had made your assets accessible.
Since script links have relative paths, they are loaded from current path, which is /book
They should either have absolute paths:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/jquery-3.3.1.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/books.js"></script>
Or base URL should be specified:
<base href="/">
You are using relative path in src attribute. Since you are serving the page from /books/<id>
, if you use a relative path, browser will understand it as /books/(relative_path_of_resource)
and so when it comes across those links it is sending a request to books/jquery.js and books/books.js
You should convert your link to point to the correct static path of the js files. Refer this link - https://expressjs.com/en/starter/static-files.html to see how to serve static files and once you set up the serving, you can change the links to /static/books.js
and /static/jquery.js