I have to make a report in jasperReports
I fill my initial report with a DataSource like this
File mainJasper = new File( servletContext.getRealPath(\"/
You can send the second one as a parameter.
parametros.put("dataSource2", List2 );
In the report set the parameter type as
You can use $P{dataSource2} as a datasource to a subreport, in a Table, in a List.
Not sure if I understood correctly or it was a different matter,but if you want this to be the datasource of your subreport go to the subreport element on the main report add the following lines to set it:
If this was not what you wanted and you need more specific details, let us know what exactly you will use the second datasource for.
An example - populate a table
1.declare a subdatase (supposing 'code' and 'caption' are the fields of your objects in List2)
<subDataset name="Table Dataset 1">
<queryString language="SQL">
<field name="code" class="java.lang.String"/>
<field name="caption" class="java.lang.String"/>
2.the actual table - set the subDataset to have the name of the one you declared("Table Dataset 1") and REPORT_DATA_SOURCE parameter to be the parameter which contains your List2 ("dataSource2")
<jr:table ...>
<datasetRun subDataset="Table Dataset 1">
<datasetParameter name="REPORT_DATA_SOURCE">