Here is exactly what I\'m trying to do
I open a page with a table that contains information about users
I getText() of element that indicates a number of use
Easy way for me was accessing tr of the user I was looking for in the table and then clicking the button edit in this row. Two examples
element.all(by.xpath('//trLocator')).first().element(by.xpath("//tr[.//td[@data-field='username' and text()="+$username26+"]]")).element(by.xpath(".//a[text()='Edit']")).click()
element(by.xpath("//td[@data-field='username' and text()='"+$username26+"']/..")).element(by.xpath(".//a[text()='Edit']")).click();
The important part to understand is a dot in the second xpath which means the current node. Without this dot "//" literally mean anywhere on the page vs ".//" which means starting from the element I've already selected
Now this is the long way, but this was the logic I was looking for
var tableRows = element.all(by.xpath('xpathTableRowsLocator')); //returns 11 rows
var mentricsLogo = element(by.css('a.logo'));
var searchedUsername = "TESTUSER26";
//somehow the code didn't work by itself so I had to place it inside of random function whuch I didn't care about
mentricsLogo.isPresent().then(function(result) {
return tableRows.filter(function(eachRow, index) {
//get text of the whole row and separate it by columns
return eachRow.getText().then(function(text){
text=text.split(" ")
// I get third element is username
if (text[2]===searchedUsername){
var xpathIndex = Number(index)+1
I know it may look not rationally, but nothing else worked for me.
To be honest I didn't what are you checking.
First of all you should consider using
instead of
It returns elementArrayFinder.
Assign it to a variable (eg. tableRows
) and then you can handle with those data.
If you are trying to check whether the number in a string "11 Users in list" is correct, yuu can use tableRows.count()
You can also filter
use map
Drop me a line what exactly test should do.
Ok. Here you have code sample.
It clicks EDIT
link of defined user (TESTUSER26 in this case):
The only change you have to make is change defineSelectorForUsernameCell
into real value.
var tableRows = element.all(by.css('td'));
var searchedUsername = 'TESTUSER26';
return tableRows.filter((eachRow) => {
return eachRow.element(by.css('defineSelectorForUsernameCell')).getText((usernameCellText) => {
if (usernameCellText === searchedUsername) {
return eachRow.element(by.linkText('EDIT')).click();