Use case: I am trying to offer a functionality where the user assembles/combines elements into a final solution. Elements would have versions. To do that, I need a combinati
For starters you'll need to create your own custom TreeCellFactory that'll display a checkbox or a radiobutton as needed. Something like:
public class TreeCellFactory implements Callback<TreeView<Object>,TreeCell<Object>>
public TreeCell call( TreeView param )
return new TreeCell<Object>()
private final CheckBox check = new CheckBox();
private final RadioButton radio = new RadioButton();
private Property<Boolean> prevRadioProp;
setContentDisplay( ContentDisplay.GRAPHIC_ONLY );
public void updateItem( Object item, boolean empty )
if ( prevRadioProp != null )
radio.selectedProperty().unbindBidirectional( prevRadioProp );
prevRadioProp = null;
if ( ! empty && item != null )
Property<Boolean> selectedProp = ....;
if ( getTreeItem().isLeaf() ) // display radio button
radio.setText( ... );
radio.selectedProperty().bindBidirectional( selectedProp );
prevRadioProp = selectedProp;
setGraphic( radio );
else // display checkbox
check.setText( ... );
check.selectedProperty().bind( selectedProp );
setGraphic( check );
setGraphic( null );
setText( null );