I have the following sample df
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({\'Text\' : [\'Jon J Mmith is Here from
One way:
>>> df['Text'].replace(df['P_Name'].str.split(', *').apply(lambda l: ' '.join(l[::-1])),'**BLOCK**',regex=True)
0 **BLOCK** is here from **BLOCK** until **BLOCK**
1 No P_Name found here
2 **BLOCK** is also here until **BLOCK**
3 **BLOCK** was **BLOCK** **BLOCK** is not here but **...
You can use replace=True
to do this in place, or create a new column with df['new_col']=
the above. What this does is splits the P_name
column, joins it in reverse with a space, and replaces it in your Text