We have a large amount of apps. They all have a build.xml
file located in the projects base directory. I am trying to create an ant script that will go through
Is it possible to run the target in the all the build files concurrently ?
<project name="Dry run" default="run">
<target name="run">
<subant target="test">
<filelist dir="projects" files="one/build.xml,two/build.xml,three/build.xml,four/build.xml"/>
In this example, is there any way to run target "test" present in all the build files (one/build.xml,two/build.xml,three/build.xml,four/build.xml) concurrently ?
You specified the antfile attribute, so ANT was expecting to a single build.xml file.
The subant documentation describes how you can use a fileset as child parameter.
Here's an example:
<project name="Subant demo" default="run-debug-target">
<target name="run-debug-target">
<subant target="debug">
<fileset dir="." includes="**/build.xml" excludes="build.xml"/>
Alternatively a filelist could be used:
<project name="Dry run" default="run">
<target name="run">
<subant target="test">
<filelist dir="projects" files="one/build.xml,two/build.xml,three/build.xml,four/build.xml"/>
Processing the following build files: