Someone else wrote a SQL Server query which worked, and I have the job of porting it over to Postgres.
I don\'t really know either database beyond the very basic SQ
The quoted capitalization is tanking the query. In the output of the second failure below you can see Postgres does not like the upper case. It has a habbit of lowercaseing everything unless you force with "
select a
(select 1 as "A") as t;
select A
(select 1 as "A") as t;
select "A"
(select 1 as "A") as t;
psql:new.sql:5: ERROR: column "a" does not exist
LINE 1: select a
psql:new.sql:10: ERROR: column "a" does not exist
LINE 1: select A
(1 row)
select ...
timeloggedToday.date_logged "DATE_LOGGED_TODAY",
-- should be: timeloggedToday."DATE_LOGGED" "DATE_LOGGED_TODAY",
(SELECT app_user.lower_user_name,
to_char(startdate, '%Y-%m-%d') AS "DATE_LOGGED",
Sum(timeworked) / 3600 "TIME_IN_HOURS",
startdate - Now() "DIFFERENCE_DAYS"
) timeloggedToday ON timeloggedToday.lower_user_name =;
I would think about getting rid of the capitalization and quotes. It just going to cause headaches. As a side note, you could write the left join just once by:
-- instead of enumerating each possible interval
WHERE to_char(Now() - INTERVAL '8 days', '%Y-%m-%d') < to_char(startdate, '%Y-%m-%d')
-- select the interval
now()::date - start_date as diff
-- then build up your columns like:
case(case when diff=0 then date_logged else null end) as date_logged_today
case(case when diff=1 then date_logged else null end) as date_logged_yesterday
-- and so on ...
Also you could make
WHEN Ifnull(timeloggedToday.time_in_hours, 0) = 0 THEN 'No Time Logged'
WHEN timeloggedToday.time_in_hours < 3.0 THEN 'User has not logged sufficient time'
ELSE 'user has logged sufficient time'
into a function to get rid of the tedious redundancy.