How can I get a version of language C/C++(downloaded??) where the functions sound, nosound, delay are present in the library DOS.H? For example it doesn\'t exist in the ver
if u r having above win 7,, Download borland Turbo c++ using dos box to listen to a beep for 500 miliseconds, use the following code,
void main()
{clrscr(); //for clearing the screen...
int x;
x=1000; // here 1000 is the frequency of the sound
sound(x); //u can directly write integer in the place of x
nosound(); //it is necessary to close the sound or u will keep on hearing
getch(); // to wait at the end of program
In Windows programs you may use win32 functions:
+ delay()
+ nosound()
.download (sigh) a copy of TurboC/TurboC++.