I need to get columns from a CSV file into an array (multidimensional array or array of arrays). I used CSV.au3 which loads the rows just fine, but I need the c
Here is CSV to 2D Array example. Credits to Malkey.
#include <array.au3>
Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1)
Dim $sCSV = '"010","2","03"' & @CRLF & _
'"24","30","20"' & @CRLF & _
Local $arr = _CsvToArray2D($sCSV)
; Converts CSV format to a 2D array.
Func _CsvToArray2D($sCSV)
Local $aTmp = StringRegExp($sCSV & @CR, '(\V*)\v{1,2}', 3)
Local $NumCols[UBound($aTmp)]
For $x = 0 To UBound($aTmp) - 1
StringReplace($aTmp[$x], ",", ",")
$NumCols[$x] = @extended + 1
Local $Max = _ArrayMax($NumCols, 1)
Dim $aArr[UBound($aTmp)][$Max]
For $i = 0 To UBound($aArr, 1) - 1
Local $aTemp = StringSplit($aTmp[$i], ",")
For $j = 0 To $aTemp[0] - 1
$aArr[$i][$j] = $aTemp[$j + 1]
Return $aArr
EndFunc ;==>_CsvToArray2D
;========> End of _CsvToArray2D ======================
I had a break from this project for a while, and ended up figuring it out myself:
;Load the first line into an array (for our Count Later)
$columnsCounter = StringSplit($content[1], ",")
;Here we use the row count (from $content) and column count (from $columnsCounter)
;We define an array that is the perfect size for our Menu Items
Dim $MenuItems[$content[0] + 1][$columnsCounter[0] + 1]
; Now we loop through each row and column
For $x = 1 To ($content[0]) - 1
;Create an array with the row we are looking at
$oneRow = StringSplit($content[$x], ",")
;now loop through each column
For $y = 1 To ($columnsCounter[0])
;Grab the item we want and add it to our menu items array
$MenuItems[$x][$y] = $oneRow[$y]
… it should contain the column not the row.
As per Documentation - Function Reference - _ArrayTranspose() :
Transposes a 1D or 2D array (swaps rows and columns)
… get the Columns in CSV file and load them into an array …
CSV file to 2-dimensional array, as per Documentation - Function Reference - _FileReadToArray() :
Reads the specified file into a 1D or 2D array
#include <File.au3> ; _FileReadToArray() and $FRTA_NOCOUNT
#include <Array.au3>; _ArrayDisplay()
Global Const $g_sFileCSV = 'C:\file.csv'
Global Const $g_sDelimiterColumn = ','
Global $g_aCSV
_FileReadToArray($g_sFileCSV, $g_aCSV, $FRTA_NOCOUNT, $g_sDelimiterColumn)
If @error Then
ConsoleWrite('_FileReadToArray() error: ' & @error & @LF)
_FileWriteFromArray() saves array as text file.