I\'m using DOMDocument to parse an XML (SVG).
Some nodes have attributes with a colon in it, like :
You will need to work with namespaces (which is what the colon indicates) explicitly when you use DOMDocument
Take a look at this method: http://www.php.net/manual/en/domelement.getattributenodens.php
Answer from OP's comment, nodeName
from DOMNode.
$node= DOMDocument->documentElement;
foreach($node->childNodes as $key=>$childnode) {
foreach($childnode->attributes as $attribute) {
echo $attribute->nodeName."\n";
Original Answer:
How about prefix
from DOMNode?
$node= DOMDocument->documentElement;
foreach($node->childNodes as $key=>$childnode) {
foreach($childnode->attributes as $attribute) {
echo $attribute->prefix.":".$attribute->name."\n";