I have given two dataframes below for you to test
df = pd.DataFrame({
\'time_1\' :[\'2173-04-03 12:35:00\',\'
Try this
from datetime import timedelta
df1['time_1']= pd.to_datetime(df1['time_1'])
df1['date'] = df1['time_1'].dt.date
df1['t_d'] = df1.groupby(['date'])['time_1'].diff().shift(-1)
mask= df1['t_d']>pd.Timedelta(1,'h')
df_f = dfa.merge(dfb, how='outer')
df_f.drop_duplicates(subset='date', keep='first', inplace=True)
df_f.drop(['date','t_d'], axis=1, inplace=True)
df = pd.DataFrame({
'time_1' :['2173-04-03 12:35:00','2173-04-03 17:00:00','2173-04-03 20:00:00','2173-04-04 11:00:00','2173-04-04 11:30:00','2173-04-04 12:00:00','2173-04-04 16:00:00','2173-04-04 22:00:00','2173-04-05 04:00:00','2173-04-05 06:30:00'],
'val' :[5,5,5,10,5,10,5,8,8,10]
# Separate Date and time
df['new_date'] = [d.date() for d in df['time_1']]
df['new_time'] = [d.time() for d in df['time_1']]
# find time diff in group with the first element to check > 1 hr
df['shift_val'] = df['val'].shift()
df1=df.assign(time_diff=df.groupby(['subject_id','new_date']).time_1.apply(lambda x: x - x.iloc[0]))
# Verify if time diff > 1 and value is not changed
df2=df1.loc[(df1['time_diff']/ np.timedelta64(1, 'h') >= 1) & (df1.val == df1.groupby('new_date').first().val[0])]
df3=df1.loc[(df1['time_diff']/ np.timedelta64(1, 'h') <= 1) & (df1.val == df1.shift_val)]
# Get the minimum within the group
df4=df2.append(df3).groupby(['new_date'], sort=False).min()
# drop unwanted columns
df4.drop(['new_time','shift_val','time_diff'],axis=1, inplace=True)
subject_id time_1 val
2173-04-03 1 2173-04-03 17:00:00 5
2173-04-04 1 2173-04-04 16:00:00 5
2173-04-05 1 2173-04-05 04:00:00 8
Try this.
from datetime import timedelta
def f(x):
dif = (x.iloc[0]-x.iloc[-1])//timedelta(minutes=1)
return dif
df1['time_1']= pd.to_datetime(df1['time_1'])
df1['flag']= df1.val.diff().ne(0).cumsum()
df1['date'] = df1['time_1'].dt.date
mask= df1['t_d'].ne(0)
df_f = dfa.merge(dfb, how='outer')
df_f.drop_duplicates(subset='date', keep='first', inplace=True)
df_f.drop(['flag','date','t_d'], axis=1, inplace=True)
subject_id time_1 val
0 1 2173-04-03 12:35:00 5
1 1 2173-04-04 11:30:00 5
2 1 2173-04-05 16:00:00 5
5 1 2173-04-06 04:00:00 3
I came up with an approach like below and it is working. Any suggestions are welcome
df['tdiff'] = df.groupby(df.time_1.dt.date).time_1.diff().shift(-1).fillna(s)
df['t_d'] = df['tdiff'].dt.total_seconds()/3600
df['hr'] = df['time_1'].dt.hour
df['date'] = df['time_1'].dt.date
df['day'] = pd.DatetimeIndex(df['time_1']).day
# here I get the freq and cumsum of each val for each day and each hour. Since sort = 'False', timeorder is retained as is
temp_1 = pd.DataFrame(df.groupby(['subject_id','date','hr','val'], sort=False)['t_d'].agg({'cumduration':sum,'freq':'count'}).reset_index())
# here i remove the `hour` component and sum the value duration in same day but different hours (for example `5` was in 12th hour and 13th hour. we sum them)
temp_2 = pd.DataFrame(temp_1.groupby(['subject_id','date','val'], sort=False)['cumduration'].agg({'sum_of_cumduration':sum,'freq':'count'}).reset_index())
# Later, I create a mask for `> 1` hr criteria
mask = temp_2.groupby(['subject_id','date'])['sum_of_cumduration'].apply(lambda x: x > 1)
output_1 = pd.DataFrame(temp_2[mask].groupby(['subject_id','date'])['val'].min()).reset_index()
# I check for `< 1 ` hr records here
output_2 = pd.DataFrame(temp_2[~mask].groupby(['subject_id','date'])['val'].min()).reset_index()
# I finally check for `subject_id` and `date` and then append
output = output_1.append(output_2[~output_2['subject_id'].isin(output_1['subject_id'])])