I need to write a batch script that will allow me to unzip a .zip file into a new folder that has the same name as the zip file. I cannot assume that I have some program to
Read excellent topic How can I compress (zip) and uncompress (unzip) files and folders with batch file without using any external tools? written by npocmaka.
I suggest to use the second solution: Using Shell.Application
The task can be done with zipjs.bat also written by npocmaka with a batch file with just a few lines:
@echo off
for %%I in (*.zip) do call "%~dp0zipjs.bat" unzip -source "%%~fI" -destination "%%~dpnI\" -force yes
for /F "delims=" %%D in ('dir /AD /B "%TEMP%\*.zip" 2^>nul') do (
%SystemRoot%\System32\attrib.exe -h "%TEMP%\%%~D"
rd /S /Q "%TEMP%\%%~D" 2>nul
The hybrid batch file zipjs.bat
must be in same folder as the batch file with the two lines above.
Running in a command prompt window call /?
explains %~dp0
which means drive and path of argument 0 of batch file without surrounding quotes ending always with a backslash. Argument 0 of a called batch file is the name of the batch file, see also What does %~dp0 mean, and how does it work?
Help of command for displayed on running in a command prompt window for /?
- full file/folder name without surrounding quotes, and%%~dpnI
- drive, path and name of a file/folder without surrounding quotes and without extensionfor loop variables like call /?
does for batch parameters/arguments.
The second for loop finds all subdirectories in directory for temporary files with .zip
in directory name, removes the hidden attribute and deletes those subdirectories. This is necessary as zipjs.bat
first extracts each file into a newly created subdirectory in directory for temporary files and leaves them there after successful extraction.