I am currently updating the dependencies of my project which uses the Angular2 npm packages and therefore RxJs as well. I am updating to the 2.0.2 stable release of angular
I did maybe exactly what you're looking for with Angular2
and rxjs@5.0.0-beta.12
which is now distributed as globals
and the umd
package is probably not supported any more (just as you said):
See live demo: https://plnkr.co/edit/z4gg2XBoQDgYXev0Csuq
Basically, I just updated my SystemJS config:
paths: {
'rxjs*': 'https://unpkg.com/@reactivex/rxjs@5.0.0-beta.12/dist/global/Rx.js'
Then I removed rxjs
from map
list. Now it loads a single Rx.js
This worked for me, loading via rxjs*
caused issue once I started to use other bits of Angular2
such as routing
This issue is discussed in detail here and the solution is to use your own loader such as (code credit nros)
Apparently, it's going to be fixed in a future release I suspect this is being held back as rxjs is still in beta.
// see: https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/9359
// in case all parts of RxJS are loaded with a single file (eg: Rx.js), Angular 2 may have
// difficulties using/requiring the various parts.
// this custom loader translates requests to these parts to the already loaded Rx entity.
// eg: Angular:
// require('rxjs/observable/from') --> Rx.Observable
// require('rxjs/operator/concatMap') --> Rx.Observable.prototype
// require('rxjs/util/EmptyError') --> Rx
// Angular will access 'rxjs/observable/from' as rxjs_observable_from.from
// so, the last part of the included module (eg: 'from') denotes the property name to access
// the required value.
SystemJS.amdDefine(SystemJS.baseURL + "rxjsLoader.js", ["rxjs"], function (Rx) {
'use strict';
// custom loader for RX.js to instantiate the correct value
// see: https://github.com/ModuleLoader/es-module-loader/blob/v0.17.0/docs/loader-extensions.md
return {
fetch: function fetch(loadData) {
return ""; // no fetch - "Rx" is already loaded!
translate: function translate(loadData) {
return "";
instantiate: function instantiate(loadData) {
// loadData.name contains the full URL
var propertyName = loadData.name.replace(/^.*\/rxjs-parts\/(.*)$/i, "$1").replace(/\.js$/i, "");
// if property name is not empty, evaluate and use it
if (propertyName.length > 0 && !(/^\s*$/.test(propertyName))) {
var parts = propertyName.split("/"),
targetObject = Rx
// Angular 2 expects the return value to be an object
// and the last part of the name to be the property of that object
for (var i=0; i < parts.length-1; i++) {
var partName = parts[i],
upperCaseName = partName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + partName.slice(1)
// handle special case for "operator/*"
if (partName === "operator") {
return Rx.Observable.prototype;
} else if (targetObject[partName] !== undefined) {
targetObject = targetObject[partName];
} else if (targetObject[upperCaseName] !== undefined) {
targetObject = targetObject[upperCaseName];
} else {
// skip name and try with next part name. eg: "utils"
return targetObject;
} else {
// return the Rx as default
return Rx;
baseURL: '/',
map: {
"rxjs": "Rx.js"
paths: {
"Rx.js/*": "rxjs-parts/*"
packages: {
"rxjs-parts": {
meta: {
"*": {
loader: "rxjsLoader.js"