Get the error when creating the view “cleartool mkview -tag $view-name $view-name" with Clearcase UCM Plugin 1.7.4

后端 未结 1 1376
伪装坚强ぢ 2020-12-22 00:38

Get the error when creating the view “cleartool mkview -tag $view-name $view-name\" with plugin 1.7.4.

Additional view-name added at the en

  • 2020-12-22 01:01
    cleartool mkview -tag $view-name $view-name

    is incorrect.

    You need either -vws (for the view storage path: your UNC path) or -stg (for the name of a view storage)

    See cleartool mkview man page.

    So it should be:

    cleartool mkview -tag $view-name 

    with additional argument: -stg a_view-storage-unc_path

    The OP ZeevT adds in the comments:

    Tried now using snapshot view, but same failure. See below the cmd generated by Jenkins:

    Building remotely on build-xp [Hello World] 
    $ cleartool mkview -snapshot -tag jenkins_Official_G4_FW_Platform_Dev_int \\build-xp\CC_views\jenkins_Official_G4_FW_Platform_Dev_int.vws jenkins_Official_G4_FW_Platform_Dev_int 
    cleartool: Error: Extra arguments: "jenkins_Official_G4_FW_Platform_Dev_int" – ZeevT 2 days ago

    I mention that the view storage path for a snapshot view should be preceded by -vws, and the OP confirms:

    For snapshot view -vws solved the problem

    So there is still an issue for dynamic views...

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